P1 Stemann should be vanilla Stetmann

As the title. Spreading stetfields when they cover a small area and are constantly getting destroyed is awful. Doubly so on large maps, which several of them are.

I want to like Stetmann. But it’s hard to when the satellites are a constant struggle.

Vanilla Stet - stetfields can’t be destroyed once created (leave area covered the same)

P1 - Increase area of stetfields by 50%. Reduce cooldown of stetalites by 33%. Super Gary no longer gains extra charges of abilities, and increase the cooldown of Generate Stetfield by 100%.


Yea i was thinking the same about p1 stettman becoming default.

P1 stettman reduces in game lag/fps issues (less satellite, AI doesnt constantly stop to attack them all over the map).

It also improves the rather tedious and lame mechanic of expanding satellites which are basically just creep tumors but with a very small radius.

Kerrigan creep tumors have a huge radius for spreading but stettmans by default have a tiny radius.
Honestly make satellites invulnerable by default and increase their radius by at least 50%.

Massive improvement for both fps/lag and as quality of life for stettman players.
Change the p1 prestige into something more interesting and radical.


It seems we are the only stetmann players on the forum xD

I’m inclined to agree. Invulnerable satellites should have been there from the get-go, and that’s one of the reasons why I never touched him after finally getting him to 15. Zerg ally creep tumors are practically invulnerable since AI wont ever scan or use detection to clear out creep tumors, so why on earth do we have to deal with satellites being constantly disabled? Especially since they are arguably more central to Stetmann than creep is to other zerg allies. I can only hope that this is on their list of things to look at over the coming weeks in regards to tweaking prestige talents. That said, too many talents need some heavier tweaks than this one, so I expect this one to not be on their radar for a while yet.

Not quite! Though I haven’t played him in a while now, and don’t have much enthusiasm for trying his Prestiges.

What I’ve suggested before is that his Deploy Stetellite Cooldown mastery be replaced with Increased Stetellite Radius. It makes Stetellite management easier without incurring an APM tax (placing them more often), and also makes it easier/safer to have coverage during base pushes. I’m quite comfortable with Stetzone management so would probably still stick with Structure Morph Rate, but think it’s the ‘right’ way to help the OP.

The current P1 I’m just not sure I want in any form. Sadly, as much as I love Stetmann none of his Prestiges really ‘pop’ for me. I’ll eventually get to unlocking and trying them properly (beyond a bit of arcade testing of P2, which is crazily strong) and will hopefully have more of an opinion then.

The AI always has detection at mid game…stettelites are effectively invulnerable (and they slow down enemy waves)

The problem is that they slow down the enemy because that makes the AI constantly trigger attack commands and then recalculate paths and the whole game have more fps/lag issues the more satellites are placed.

As far as fps/lag goes the only difference between (lets say) kerrigan and stetmann are the satellites.
They are the ones causing significant issues if even just one of the coop partners has a weaker PC.
In significant numbers the satellites will start slowing down the game regardless of how strong your PC because for whatever reason the sc2 engine isn’t handling it well.

Just make the satellites invulnerable and increase their radius by 100%.
Its a poorly implemented glorified creep tumor mechanic that causes significant lag and is overall very tedious and boring (while stetmann himself is a fun commander).

Agreed, definitely P1 felt so good that made me forget about vanilla Stet which is annoying imo.

It was also the prestige I enjoyed the most from his 3 options. Hope devs read and consider your thread.


Yeah I’m most of the way through leveling P2, but I’m switching back to P1. Super-Duper Gary is fun, but the small attackable satellites are just a deal breaker. I’ve seen the better life and I can’t go back.

Plus SDG takes way too much babysitting. I can’t even move him across the map, since he’ll go on a beeline and leave the stetfields and essentially stop moving. Not worth it.

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Prestige 2 is for defensive maps where the coverage of the map is very easy to do (for example oblivion express).
My prestige 2 super garry had 850 kills while my total kills were about 950 and my teammate killed about 400ish.

With the satellite cooldown mastery, garry talent cooldown mastery, garry teleport and usage of “proxy hatcheries” to provide near-unkillable sources of stetzone you can greatly improve the mobility of the Prestige2 super garry.

I personally refuse to play without Super Garry because i consider him the most fun part of Stettman.
Also the lack of the “zone generator” ability is a huge problem for me, i use that ability in every major fight and even between fights to start spreading satellites in distant areas.

Oh I like those ideas. I shall give them a try. SDG has been quite impressive, I’m just a lot more bothered by his limitations than I thought I’d be.

I essentially play Stetmann for two reasons: hydralisks with missile launchers, and crossing the map at Mach 3. So P1 Stetmann is my wheelhouse.

They would have to nerf the vision it gives if it were indestructible with no major downside and I wouldn’t want that.

All 3 of Stetmann’s prestige options are extremely good with drawbacks that are significant. Best designed prestiges imo.

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i dislike p1 stetmann because it just tries to solve problems only created by its downside. Invincible stetellites? use super gary to draw aggro so they don’t get shot down, then overload them. bigger range? use gary zone to place them out there. It’s just not worth it.

Agreed P1 Stettman is how he should be played

It is worth it, but isn’t the best pick ALL of the time. P1 gives you perma vision across the entire map pretty quickly which combined with something like P2 Artanis becomes the best option.

I can do permavision just fine with default stetmann. At that rate, it’s just about the permanent buffs which I don’t find particularly relevant

At the very least they should increase the life of his Stetallites, so that they aren’t deactivated in one hit. Give them permanent cloaking as well, if need be. I don’t know if that would solve the latency issue though. It would certainly increase their survivability, which would mean players would be less required to create redundant Stetallites.

A buff to radius would be a good quality of life change.

Takes a significant amount of time unless its temple without P1

P1 is convenient for those who don’t want to spend APM spreading Stetelite.

Benefit is that the debate of “who will gain resource as ally” is now basically everyone due to the large size and how quickly Stetmann can get there. Quicker vision but a loss of non-aggro (which isn’t a good or bad thing). And lastly, never losing Stetelite benefit ever (as long as your ally is actively using that APM to spread it).

As for it becoming standard, it’s just a dream because then they’d have to redesign a lot of things include talent tree, not to mention what to replace P1 with because obviously you can “replace it” with standard… that’d be a joke.