P and Z have so many more options to win the coinflip

If you’re going for something risky as zerg, if you fail you will still be enormously ahead and will be able to tech switch against a mech player effortlessly and stomp them with so little counterplay that it’s insane, with no hope of a terran counter attack. One base swarmhost is an auto win if your opponent doesn’t know exactly what’s coming, nydus in general is an auto win against any slightly unprepared pro, while you can easily deny scouting. Dark droned up on 3 base while denying bunny his natural.

In TvP, if you defend one proxy gate way very well, all they need to do is to blink into your main at 5 minutes and it’s physically impossible to have enough to fight it without pulling SCVs, and if anything is slightly off you automatically lose the game to anyone with decent micro.

And even maru lost 3 times in a row to the same OP roach a-move in a GSL finals.

Not to mention the pure absurdity of the DT not being deleted from the game or the fact that one base ravager exists.

Meanwhile… obs and speedlords get to see everything you do so that while 4 rax is hopeless because they can retreat into their main, any later cheese is scouted effortlessly. Queens and spores counter everything so that if you take damage to BC, blue flame, 2 medivac stim drop etc. you are just not playing properly.

It’s absurd anyone who worked on sc2 multiplayer can think they did a good job when terran isn’t able to kill their opponents after they fail a cheese, this might even be the best thing to measure an RTS by: are you able to just end the game after outplaying your opponent or do they get to make you go through 10 minutes of torture just to get a win you already fully deserve, depending on what race you are playing?

You mean just like terran going into macro after failed 3 proxy barracks? I dont even want to comment that terran is the only race, which can safely build their cc on the high ground, having 0% risk to lose it.

of course, it’s imba… what does terran have, oh an instant scan, which reveals everything and has 0 counterplays.

If only you spend so much time to train your play or at least watch some guides of how to play, you would have known, how to defend DT or 1 base swarm hosts (what the hell is that?)