Nurf BattleCruisers

Seems to me that every single time I scout and play against a Terran they can easily pull out a single battle cruiser and almost immediately wipe out 20+ drones 4, queens, spores, hatcheries, etc, easily by just rushing that at 5-7 min, They have 550 hp, can teleport in and out, and shoot you with a beam that hits for 240 HP basically all the health for any zerg counter you pop out, fix this it is absolutely not balanced in the slightest, there is zero way to counter this I have tried multiple times including with upgrades and yet terran has this overpowered option to win games before 10 min it’s frustrating and Blizzard has yet to do anything about it drop the health by 200 more or even just take out the warp function, this is no balance at all you make it so that terran has advantage over every zerg army unit with 1 battlecruiser.

Why, hello, friend of rbt and/or Ace.


Plenty of zergs seem to be able to deal with it quite fine. You ought to try Learning.

Scout the starport tech lab, double spore, couple more queens positioned where you know they’re gonna jump, then plan on either a roach all-in hitting as soon as the BC jumps or a roach/ravager counterattack a bit after. Should do critical damage. Game ends if Terran doesn’t have a 3rd base up, game should be zerg-favored if he DOES have a 3rd base up but loses a bunch of SCVs. Switch to corruptors ASAP, mob his BCs, continue on roach/ravager for the win.

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