Not sure if this guy hacking but

not sure if this guy hacking but couldn’t hear nydus sfx last game so lings just appeared in my base with no sfx??

shame you didnt make a screenshot huh? or get a name

ur not allowed to shame people on forums and you can’t screenshot a sound effect or lack of one…

Hey guy’s,

Do you have problems with other players playing unfairly. I think the computer keeps mismatching players skill level again. Thanks for Team ups.

Walter Chow

Maybe a replay then? At the very least a screenshot to prove it was actually a nydus, and not a drop.

Hey guy’s ,

Are you guy’s having problems with other players playing in team up cause they still mismatch me up with other team members skill levels. The other players build fast and we build slow for some reason. Thanks.

Walter Chow

Dude I scouted the nydus after i saw a bunch of units in my base. I could be wrong though. Maybe I just ignored the sound cause I thought I’d win regardless. My teammate says he didn’t hear it either though. W/e. This was meant for tech support, not a problem for the sc2 community to solve. I’m master 3 1v1 and M1 in every team league, I don’t really make mistakes all that often unless I’m listening to music, which I wasn’t