Noob (again) LF a clan and/or practice partners

Hey all, havn’t really played 1v1 ladder since, well I don’t really remember. 2012 I’m guessing. I played toss and terran and im looking to get back into the ladder scene. Going with toss to start with and last season i played my placement matches and after my first 5 1v1 games in years I managed 1 win and got wrecked the other 4 for a silver league placement.

I’m guessing I’ll get up to gold skill quick enough, if I havn’t yet ( been practicing a bit ) just gotta get rid of the rust from pretty much only playing co-op for years. The AI also only gets you so far, no sneaky 1v1 human tactics from the comp.

Looking for a clan thats active during NA times as I’m east coast US that can help me be a better sc2 player. I’ve looked at alot of the recruitment posts in the forum section but they havn’t been active for about a month so I figure’d I’d make a new topic.

My bnet is Steevo#1769 if you want to chat about your clan or for an opportunity to beat a noob to death and teach him a painful lesson or two or three, or are similarly skilled and want a friendly match.

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Nice altitude ^^
Feel free to browse Clan and Groups cathegory on the forum, there are a few still active offers, like this one:

Good luck you gonna need it.
Enjoy your time in Starcraft!

Hey! Just added you today, sorry for seeing this a few days late, but I am usually on every night if not, then every other night for sure. Feel free to accept the invite and we’ll practice if you would like :). Have a good one!

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I am new as well in playing this game. The last time I played was 15+ years ago (SCBW). Started with Campaigns and custom games in SC2 2 months ago.

I don’t have friends who play this game. Hoping to play with non-AI and improve.

My tag is Bibo1Kenobi#1794

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Hey guys I just started playing in december and sent you both a friend request. Thinking it’d be nice to find a few others to train with and maybe play some coop as i just have made a few other noob friends from various 1v1s.
Thanks guys