My dear fellow zerg


we will get thru this patch, we’re gonna be ok,

just adapt and evolve.



I blame this on serral :stuck_out_tongue: I like this game. The only time I stopped playing was when they had the “dream pool” for two months as it broke the game which they realized and fixed. Hope this isn’t that broken in practice we’ll see

yeah this seems extremely personal towards serral, but i feel that there are many strategies that are viable that people might have been sleeping on and in the end we’ll be ok as a race

Why do zergs things its only serral when the majority of pro zergs are doing better all at once?

you gotta study up on serral’s play style then read the notes again, it’s specifically designed to stop things they brought to meta, like double nydus

it’s clearly not aimed at dark or reynor, the only other 2 zergs at 7k

also serral made them change infested terran and rogue made them remove it

Honestly i think we will do fine with the new infestor. We’ll just have to take infestor engagements differently. Shroud energy should be more about 75 tho. Otherwise you’d need half again as many infestors just to shroud the army properly, and that will get very expensive while cutting into hydra counts/supply

new infestor is fine other than for those who identify as an infested terran