Mutation Week 180 Graveyard Shift Ranks/Tiers

Here are the Mutations:

Afraid of the Dark - Vision provided by all sources is extremely limited except when in view of your camera.
Purifier Beam - An enemy Purifier Beam moves across the map toward nearby player units.

Here is the map: Dead of Night

This week is all about dealing with you lack of vision and sim city in your base to avoid the Purifier Beams and have enough room for all you infrastructure. I wanted to talk about one thing first, you can only have vision while not looking with things Raynor’s Scans and Town Halls, Town Halls give you around 4 vision range and you can use that to your advantage by building Town Halls at the edge of your base (but outside the Purifier Beams). Add in some long range AOE and you can hold almost indefinitely. Try to get an early Town Hall for each night and have up to 8 Town Halls around your base for nights 3 and onward, this should give you enough vision to hold and kill everything that can reach your base. Just be sure to work in a circular fashion while clearing the Infested Structures and avoid skipping anything as its very hard to find a building that you missed. Good Luck and Have Fun.

Player Commander Link Description
Game 1
Hunter H&H Link Strike Plats
CtG Raynor Link Tanks and Town Halls
Game 2
Hunter Stukov Link Bunkers and Tanks
Balsa Swann n/a Tanks and Town Halls
Game 3
Hunter Raynor Link Tanks and Town Halls
Balsa Swann n/a Tanks and Town Halls
Game 4
Hunter Zagara Link Lings
Balsa Swann n/a Tanks and Town Halls

Here is the link to the VOD

3 Alarak

  • Not the best this week, offense isn't the best and defense could use a lot of work.
  • If you had to make defense I would go for Cannons and Vanguards but his defense is very lacking.
  • For offense I would go for Stalkers and just constantly keep the camera moving.
  • Alarak can do well against Infested and will do a lot out on the field but keep in mind that he is melee and there will be a lot of ranged units that will hit him and that will clear a lot of your units if not watched.
  • Overcharge is still goo for defense and offense but any Pylon out on the field will be taken done by the Purifier Beam.

2 Artanis

  • Good commander this week, I went for Cannons Dragoons and Reavers.
  • Nexus around your base for vision and Reavers to help support you Cannons.
  • Zealots are great for tanking and doing good damage to the Infested both buildings and Troops.
  • Solar is a great for if you are being over run or even just to take care of encampments.
  • Shield Overcharge should be used to take care of encampments, this will help you take less damage from units you can see.
  • Attack upgrades are more important I feel.

2 Tychus

    Good commander for this week, the biggest problem is going to be holding after the second night.
  • Blaze is great here as you don't need to be on top of him in order to have things die as once you get the upgrade that chains explosions you can almost forget about that side for a bit.
  • Rattlesnake seems like a better option as once you place you healing turret you can just need to stay in the range, and Nikara can be tough to micro and she is known for getting herself killed.
  • Try to get all the upgrades that you can and then use some minerals to help build Town Halls around you base to help with vision.

2 Zagara

  • Good commander for this week, you are going to be all about offense so be sure to get a lot done during the day.
  • I like Ling Evasion Mastery here as it will help keep you Lings alive from things that you might not be able to see.
  • Zagara's Hydras should be all the anti-air you need while out on the map but a few Scourge should help if you want them.
  • I only used the Free Banes this week as they are only for helping to burst down enemies and help clear the path if you want to attack during the night.

2 H & H

  • Good commander for this week, H&H is soooo powerful for offense I though about giving them a tier 1 but their defense is very lacking.
  • Strike Platforms are great at clearing the map, just be sure to work in a circular fashion and avoid skipping anything as its very hard to find a building that you missed.
  • Once you have all your Strike Platforms up try and make a bunch of Reapers if you want to go super offense or Widow Mines if you want to help defend.
  • Things to keep in mind when using your top bars: Strike Fighters can kill 2 buildings if placed properly and you have the Fire upgrade, Space Station Reallocation is good for when you are overrun or just want to clear some area fast, Call in the Fleet only works if it has vision so stay with it when used (this can be used to focus fire one area if you want).

2 Dehaka

  • Good commander for this week, I like Guardians and Mutalisks here.
  • I like to have a few Town Halls around the base to get vision and then some Guardians for anti-ground and then a few Wurms for ground agro and anti-air.
  • I like to have some Mutalisks for there DPS with Dehaka, but in the end you should be able to take all the units you have out of the field every day then spread them out at your defenses at night.
  • Attack and defense upgrades are nice but not completely needed, focus on the unit upgrades first.
  • Dehak should be good to hold a side so long as Chokers are not a unit on the mission.

2 Fenix

  • Good commander for this week, go for Colossus for both offense and defense this week.
  • Be sure to add some Conservators in order to add some anti-air and to add some extra defense.
  • Be sure to add some Cannons for defense and at night spread out your Colossus to help all the sides.
  • Switch suits often to get the most out of them.
  • At some point you might want to add some Zealots to the build as you might start to build up some minerals and you will run out of space for more useful Cannons (IE you could make more but they wont hit anything).

2 Vorazun

  • Good commander for this week, I like to go for Town Halls Cannons and DTs.
  • DTs are great at clearing Infested and the buildings.
  • You shouldn't need to much anti-air here as you should be able to clear the ground forces very fast and get out of the area.
  • Dark Pylon range is the best mastery here as it really helps keep defense whole.
  • Use Time Stop for encampments that are harder and try to focus the Infested building then get out.
  • Attack upgrades are great to help clear more faster, be sure to also get Blink to get into and out of areas faster.

2 Nova

  • Very good commander for this week, almost a tier 1 commander but its hard to spread out your forces enough to cover every entrance.
  • I went for and offensive build here and went for Bio.
  • I kept Nova in front of my forces and didn't lose a unit even while staying out at night.
  • If you have to go for defense make sure to have Liberators and Tanks for defense and Goliaths for anti-air with there good range.
  • Griffin Air Strike for encampment and defenses that are being overrun.

2 Stetmann

  • Good commander this week, Lurkers can do well, but if you know you don't have to defend and you want to meme, Mechcarrierbattlelords are great for offense.
  • Once you have enough Stetilites out an the field you should be able to not worry about the Purifier Beams as the Stetilites should keep them busy.
  • One nice thing about Stetmann is that with enough Stetilites you should be able to see all Infested Structures if you have the Camera in the right location, this should help you find those last few buildings.

2 Karax

  • Good commander for this week, tier 2 because you can either have an amazing defense, or amazing offense, or be decent at both.
  • I like Carriers for offense and Cannons and Batteries with Spear support for defense.
  • Colossus are great to add in order to get better Infested defense.
  • When going for Carriers you can leave them out on the field even at night but avoid rallying new Carrier to the ones out on the field, that way you don't lose new ones.
  • Make sure to get the repair Beam upgrade and get the Sentry upgrade as well.
  • In this case you want your Shield Batteries behind he Cannons as you need as much help with the Cannon range as possible.

1 Stukov

  • Great commander this week, can do a lot with Bunkers and Tanks.
  • You can play the long game by just building up your Bunker count and slowly killing buildings while waiting out the night, or you can be more aggressive and go for Banshee and let your partner do more defense.
  • You should be able to hold a lot with just Bunkers but long range units are the best for holding as Bunker range might not be enough to attack a ranged unit that is attacking a Town Hall on the opposite side.
  • During the Day be sure to use the Alexander and constantly change the Psi-Emitter location to get vision where you want it and constantly clear.
  • It might be the fastest to make Infested from your Barracks but this mission has a reputation for mining out if missions go long and Bunkers and Tanks should be able to hold no matter what.

1 Abathur

  • Great commander for this week, you can go for Mutas if you want to go for offense, for defense you want to go for Queens and Swarm Hosts.
  • Mutalisks don't need to come back to base once the Biomass is high enough and you have enough Mutalisks.
  • Be sure to make some Spines and Spores for defense either way.
  • Upgrades are very important for either build but start off with attack upgrades.
  • When I went for Mutas I didn't let any of the Mutas turn into Leviathans as I wanted the regen and movement speed.

1 Swann

  • Great commander for this week, Tanks and Town Halls should be all you need to defense, you should however add some Turrets (missile) against any air comp including Spotters.
  • The Laser Drill doesn't matter as much this week, use the Concentrated Beam to clear Infested Structures during the Night and Pulse Beam for encampment or just to clear an area that might be overrun.
  • I like Wraiths to clear buildings after you have enough defense as they can just stay out at night and be over unpathable terrain when they need to get more energy.

1 Kerri

  • Great commander for this week, you want to go for Lurkers and, Town Halls and static defense.
  • Go for the normal build order with 15 hatch (Extractor trick) 19 gas 21 gas 23 pool, after that its all about getting Lurkers and a few Town Halls to the North to get you vision for your Lurkers.
  • I added 5 Omega Worms to my build to help fill in the gaps between the Town Halls and funnel the enemy Infested, plus it helped to have Creep on the map and let me stay out until night every day.
  • Spores are going to be helpful against any air units you can always add more Hydras if its a heavy air comp.
  • Kerrigan should be your attack force until you have about 20 Lurkers for defense then you can add some Lings to take out the buildings faster, when using the Zerglings try and have Kerrigan in the front to avoid the Lings dyeing to fast.

1 Raynor

  • Great commander for this week, OC's and Tanks and Bunkers should be all that you need.
  • As explained in the intro this week Town Halls are the only way to get vision while your camera isn't on top of you units, so make your walls of OCs.
  • Be sure to have a bit of anti-air as you will deal with air unit in most cases.
  • After you feel comfortable with your defenses make sure to start a Marine Medic army in order to do more work against the Infested buildings.
  • Call downs are fine to clear until you have enough Tanks to make an army.
  • One of the nice things about Raynor is that you can use the Scans to check for buildings that you missed.

1 Zeratul

  • Really great commander for this week,
  • Shield Guards Cannons and Watchers should be all that you need.
  • Watchers in Siege mode can have vision without the Camera on them which is a great as you can avoid filling in the base with Town Halls and you can save a lot of minerals, keep in mind that you need the last Fragment and a Robo Support Bay.
  • Be sure to use the Rally trick to find the Fragments as they are super important.
  • Its very important to get out more and more Cannons so be sure to find the time while attacking to go back to base and make more Cannons.
  • Control groups might be kind of hard to use as you should have a control group for Zeratul, Shield Guards, Cannons, Town Halls, and Production, so think about which ones you might want to combine and work from there.

Tier 1 Great offense and defense and can take out the buildings in the day time with ease.
Tier 2 Good for offense or defense, day time clearing is fine.
Tier 3 Not recommended.


In terms of offense I loved playing vorazun this week. I was teamed with a swann who, armed with dark pylons, was able to solo defense duties while i ran around the map both day and night with dts and corsairs. Id also add that nova’s detection upgrade is a great bonus this week, as it highlights buildings you havent cleared yet, which is honestly the most difficult part of this mutation