@mods delete this topic, it's full of trolls

From Wikipedia itself on Vandalism on Wikipedia

Throughout its history, Wikipedia has struggled to maintain a balance between allowing the freedom of open editing and protecting the accuracy of its information when false information can be potentially damaging to its subjects.

Vandalism is easy to commit on Wikipedia because anyone can edit the site, with the exception of, which means that new and unregistered users cannot edit them.

End of quote

Not vandalism, but unintentional misinformation is much harder to fight, because its purpose isn’t to misinform or to troll. If someone wants to legitimately help, but is putting in factually incorrect data, it isn’t easy to fight it

Mods do their best, but they are also only human and the site is incredibly vast.

The most reliable thing about wikipedia are sources, which is in a way saying a lot. Wikipedia doesn’t discover knowledge, it serves as a summary, a catalog. Everything is “second-hand” knowledge.

(A damn good catalog, but it’s not foolproof.)

there you go, they fight against vandalism and misinformation

From the beginning until forever. Doesn’t sound like winning.

Ah, remember that I told you knowing and understanding is vastly different? You’re now encountered a very good example of it.

As I told you, one of the first lesson of Buddhism is skepticism. If you truly understand it, then you would know I don’t even care what those books say. I’ve never met any Buddhist monk capable of those feat despite avid learning of those text. Give me one magical Buddhist monk and I’ll believe it.

Beside I already told you earlier; do you really think a guy who teaches skepticism as a first lesson would go on tell other people to just believe that he is a sorcerer?

To be honest, I would have to say not really. The original text was written in a language that I can’t read. I read some of the translated version into my native language, but the book is very complicated and long. I have only read some part of it.

Thanks. That actually means I sound like a true Buddhist. Let me give you another lesson from the book. There was once a question about whether or not God exists. The text pretty much stated that this particular information is useless. Let say we tell a sick person that God exists, would the knowledge heal him/her? Let say we tell a criminal that God exists, would the knowledge redeem him/her? Let say we tell a hungry person that God exists, would the knowledge fill his/her empty belly? We are neither atheist nor theist. We just don’t see the point in knowing. Now the text goes on and tell us that Lord Buddha had accumulated many tidbit and information, but those knowledge is useless. It doesn’t help us attain the Nirvana. Hence, he’d never told us a thing about it. Do you see where I’m going? Do you really think the book would then go on claiming that Lord Buddha and itself are holy?

Oh, I know what it is. I just don’t understand what it is. See how arcane my religion is, yet?

I thought I have already told you a revered Buddhist monk who have been studied the scriptures for over 60 years.

Are you now? Then tell me this; what is the hardest part of meditating?

Buddhist is anybody who decide to believe and study the teaching of Buddhism. Correctly or not doesn’t matter. If you really want to claim that you’re a Buddhist, please answer me this; The Noble Truth are Suffering, Cause, Ending and Path; why do we only study Suffering and not Happiness? Are we a depressing religion?

EDITED: For your guys who are interested. If you want to know what my religion is and just don’t have time to bother. The know what the Four Noble Truth are. If you want to take one lesson and one lesson only, then it’s the Four Noble Truth. It’s the very core of our teaching. The Suffering is about studying what cause us to be in agony. The cause is about studying of the cause of Suffering. The End is about studying what could end our Suffering. The Path is about studying a way to end those Suffering.

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I can see that happening, as a secret test of his followers : if they believed him without question, then his skepticism lesson was not learnt at all :grinning:


As far as Wikipedia goes, its not considered to be a legitimate source of information in scholarly circles. Your work thus far would not pass the muster of a high school paper, let alone serious historical or educational groups.

bearing the pain of the spiritual surge in the heart and forehead

let’s hold on to this, you do your thing and i do mine


What? Anyway, I was going to tell you that anybody with enough practice can keep his/her body still and clam for a couple minutes. The hardest part is to keep your mind still and blank as well. Keeping your mind from wandering and think of nothing is the hardest part of meditation.

I have no idea what spiritual force that you felt in your heart and forehead. Can you do anything spiritual with it?

Fine. We don’t force people into our teaching.

i knew exactly that you would say that. i know people who go to buddhist meetings and stuff, they say the same thing. they say you basically gotta turn your brain off, any feelings and thinkings. though stillness can be good, absolute stillness is the last thing you need for meditating. let me guess, you also sit down and cross your legs when you meditate, right? meditating has nothing to do with sitting in a particular way.

spiritual yea, but nothing miraculous. just some hightened senses/feelings/perceptions. the more i enjoy, the more my heart hurts. when i meditate to music i can feel its vibrations resonating with my own. sometimes i have to stop the music because of too much joy, resulting in anguishing pain at times. enjoying music or anything to enjoy, has become so much more. joy has become so strong that i can still my desires on my own, without any girl to help out for example. first i had to close my eyes when meditating to music, now i don’t even have to close my eyes. i feel the surge constantly even when i walk over the street. and i certainly never sit in a particular way so that meditating works. i can stand, lay down, run or be on the toilet. doesn’t matter. i feel the surge which i built up out of nothing, piece by piece i felt how it is building up. i’m a new creature, i’m not what i was. this constant surge i’m feeling is like a curse and blessing at the same time. coz it makes me enjoy stuff at heavenly frequencies but lets me pay for it with pain. i can feel an aura around my whole body sometimes when i enjoy music. i also feel the surge in my hands, fingers, foots and footfingertips.

now that i explained my experience of meditating, would you like to explain yours too? you don’t have to, but would be nice to hear out

you mean that you don’t force me into “your” teaching? it’s not your teaching. are you in a buddhist group?.. where you meet up once a week or so…? why do you say “our” teachings and not “the” teachings?

Not exactly, but yeah, that’s quite right. You don’t go to sleep and shut down your brain. You are focus. But you’re focus on nothingness.

Nope, I prefer to walk. But I can do it sitting cross legs, doesn’t matter.

Well, yes. You do have some success with meditation after all. But I don’t think what you do is the correct utilization of meditation. We don’t use it to experience joy. Especially to the point of suffering.

If you are truly meditating, you don’t need to. You can just stop listening to it. Maybe, try that next time? Stop the joy on command with your mind.

Well, we didn’t close our eyes because we need to. Sometime I used my meditational skill to study. However, the teaching of Buddhist is focus on end the suffering not getting better at Physics. Meditation is a tool we use to help end our suffering, but that doesn’t mean we can’t use it for other stuff.

Sure, my sense is also heightening. I feel the ebb and flow of all the air around me. I can feel the movement of my internal body function. I can hear in a much clearer details. Really, though, I use it most extensively as a rest and preparation method. It’s the best way to rest my brain and focus my thought. Doing it prior to any stressful task really help me filter out all distractions.

Yes, it’s not miraculous. It’s just that we have a better grasp of our brain function. As impressive as your experience sound, I don’t see anything magical.

How can it be ‘my’ teaching? I don’t even fully understand it. I quote the book all the time.

Also, no, I’m not a member of any Buddhist group. I don’t even bother go to the temple very much. I dabbled in some of the teaching, but only to help me live my life. I learn to control ‘some’ of my urge, but it’s far from the Nirvana. And I’m not going to try to be better.

No, particular reason. That’s just how I think of it.

I almost miss this. That’s the correct Buddhist teaching. We don’t satisfy our lust. We get rid of it completely. I can do that, too. No matter how much lust I feel, I can just meditating for a few minutes (with my open as to not draw any suspicious) and quench it without any satisfaction.

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hehe yea the way i “stumbled” upon indeed is far different from any traditional way. but i rather crossed that way through my sense of righteousness really, than “having stumbled upon” it. i wouldn’t say it’s an incorrect way.

do you know how hard this is? :smile: i tried, my heart just hurt more

the fact that you agree with my experiences tells me that there is truth in you too.

i can’t feel the internal movements of my body function, i can’t filter myself from almost ANY distraction. it seems to me that you concentrated the spirit more on stillness and the nothingness, whereas i truly didn’t. my surge doesn’t like much stillness, music is mostly the call :smile: i can hear better though when i meditate, being a part of the reason why i enjoy music so much. but i guess you didn’t mean hearing better by “i can hear in a much clearer details”?

you can only still desire through joy. but you can bring joy to yourself without being depended to anything outside your spirit. it’s the spirit that fills you with joy and happiness upon meditation. you can’t get rid of your desires, you can only still them.

oh you’re wrong, it’s very magical. maybe you’re just not at the point yet where you undoubtedly perceive it as magic

I grow increasingly convinced that Saiyan is making everything up as he goes along.


i’m making up no single thing

Sure, that’s why your claims are in contrast with, you know, the word of an actual Buddhist, right?

you think i‘m making stuff up to have fellowship with him? how lame are you? how lame would i be?

I don’t think youre trying to have fellowship, I think youre just boasting to soothe your ego. You said something dumb and when you got called out on it by somebody who actually understood the topic, you doubled down instead of admitting your mistake.

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boasting my ego? i‘m just having a conversation, you don‘t have to pick up on anything. stop hating, you get on my nerves since day one

Maybe stop being belligerent then if youre bothered by people calling you out on it. Im sure you like to consider yourself the most intelligent person in the room, but based on your posts so far you need to go have a good firm look in the mirror.

you are not argumenting anything since your last posts here, you are hating and with this post now, you are even trolling

i don‘t let any trolls go unflagged.

As you constantly seem to need reminding of, trolling is not “saying something Saiyan personally doesn’t like.”

Im calling you out on your lack of credibility and sources. Don’t like that? Provide something better than Wikipedia to back up your outlandish claims.

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