[MM] Testing Karax Changes

I can only emphasize with the fact not all players are quite at the level to solo yet.

I can definitely tell you with certainty that Karax can absolutely solo OT. This is even more so when you know prior to going into a game, where you will be solo-ing thus knowingly have plenty of bases.

Keep practicing :slight_smile:

If Sprite went solo then it explains his difficulty to get the train and do bonus because he is chased by time limits and Karaxā€™s early build is still relatively slow, not mention there are more multitasking for him (because he did solo). (And Nukes to watchout for.)

Photon cannonā€™s firepower is great especially when its potential is drastically increased when they use Chrono Wave and Chrono Boost.
Even with 15 point master invested in Chronomancy is absolutely staggering (to be fair Chrono Boost isnā€™t used as much).
Photon Cannon - 95 DPS
Khadaryn Monolith - 196 DPS.
But still you can imagine incredible Tower potential, I would even dare call it OP.

The cannons may feel bad, and they definitely need the hp mastery to function properly (which is infuriating), but you can definitely not miss a single train on OE with solo Karax by going mass static d. To be honest, spending time getting robo units instead of more max mastery cannon/battery is more likely than not the reason you couldnā€™t get all the trains, seeing as how cannons are similar dps/mineral to immortals against the trains before accounting for shadow cannon.

Yes. Having to dropā€¦ 1200 minerals early on to have the safety anti-nuke cannons really slows things down. (3 pylons, 2 cannons each.)

Keep in mind that these were two separate runs. Not the same run. The first run was Robo with anti-nuke cannons, the second run was nothing but cannons.

You donā€™t need these until I believe the 3rd or was it 4th set. Also, the fact that you can project means you only need 1 set. So keep that in mind, if your main issue is lack of resources early on (which by that time isnā€™t early per se).

So Robo play is a little more macro detail required. As in it isnā€™t as straight forward in terms of ā€œmake a forge, make cannonsā€. This means you need to know the timings a bit better, so you have what you need when you need it, but not more or less. This is especially important for a high cost, multi-tech gated commander like Karax.

Moreover, if you are going Robo already, it is but easier to make observer then strike the ghosts than wasting 1200 minerals (which again can be much less due to Mā€™s new changes).

I usually just plop down the cannons so I donā€™t have to keep an eye on it all the time. Plus, the cannons help deter the Hybrids that pop from the trains from just running into the mineral lines immediately while I swap from one train to another.

Why donā€™t you just make your pylons at the ramps? Karax isnā€™t artanis; heā€™s going to need more than 1 pylon eventually. You only need 2 total cannons to defend ghosts, add 4 if you wanna kill hybrid stragglers. At most thatā€™s 900 mid-game minerals to be extra safe.

  1. The ramp to your main. Thatā€™s 400 minerals.
  2. The ramp to your expansion. Thatā€™s 400 more minerals.
  3. The ramp to your allyā€™s main base. Thatā€™s 400 more minerals.
    400 x 3 = 1200.

Dude, heā€™s saying Karax doesnā€™t work off of free 200 supply. As such, you need to build pylons to increase your supply cap.

  1. Make your first Pylon near main north ramp, so you donā€™t have to do another one just for the cannons.
  2. You are solo-ing, so your expansion is in your main (ally location). Make your 2nd Pylon at main south ramp.
  3. Again, if you are having resource issues when blatantly you are wasting them, then no need to justify how you spent 1200 for semantic reasons.

Take the advices and improve your gameplay. Continuously justifying how it absolutely takes 1200 minerals so early in the game only emphasizes how there is a macro management issue.

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I wasnā€™t making use of the -solo command, so I had an idle AI in the secondary main slot. Thus, the use of that 1200 is more than justified in that situation.

lol aight, you do you my man. Clearly you donā€™t need help.

But why do you need 2 cannons? One cannon is more than enough.

Moreover, if the tracks are lined with cannons, the ghosts should never make it to the ramps to your base in the first place, so again the ramp cannons should prove redundant.

Any solo with Karax is gonna be hard. One thing that might help with the first train with Karax isā€¦ Rush to get the flaming solar Lanceā€™s right as the first train gets to you. With that, you only need to do the solar Lanceā€™s along the train length and it will kill it in one set. No other things needed.

Might save you some resources and energy to deal with the early attack waves while your getting set up. If your being mineral starved due to cannons but still want vision at the ramps, you can always put an observer there and just use an orbital strike on the occasional ghost that pops up.

Soooorrrry that Iā€™m not a GM level player. Please, oh great master of the game, teach me how to not be bad and how to solo a map.

Ghosts come from the rear bases too, not just the front. But whatever, Iā€™m done replying here. People are too busy trying to roast my sorry butt, so Iā€™ll just never play Karax again.

See, this is exactly your problem (and players like you).

Iā€™m not GM at all, and I donā€™t presume anyoneā€™s skill level. However you wish to play is up to you. Yet, hereā€™s the rub - why post how you are having trouble if you donā€™t want to improve? So, obviously 2 conclusions:

  1. You are clearly overly vain and prideful. Any advice or help is clearly out of the question, for you are clearly too good for anyone - a complete flawless co-op player.
  2. You are just trolling, venting about how the team has yet again wronged you so by clearly making a poorly designed commander - a commander you donā€™t have to play (let alone we are discussing Mā€™s improved Karax on Arcadeā€¦)

I mean, the normal thing should have just been:
a) Post your issue.
b) Take advice (with or without reply).
c) Try it out.
c) Improve gameplay.
d) Move on.

Nobody has said anything mean to you, except to suggest ways to deal with Ghosts and 1st Train, etc. Like I said, you do you, but donā€™t for a second make this sound like you are the victim. You are choosing to ignore advice. You are choosing to play the victim. And you are apparently further choosing to never play a commander you purchased.

Rant over.

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Follow up to my previous post:

Colossus - Good in infested maps and against few comps (roach hydra, terran bio). Niche still but has its use. With the ā€œpossibleā€ bug fixed here, itā€™s good where it is.

Mirage - Making it do 12 damage flat against everything helps but it has problems in its base cost and other units overshadowing it, making its opportunity cost high. Against Protoss and Terran, you are usually better off going more energizers and reclaiming every mechanical unit. That leaves Zerg and it does ok against Zerg air comps since it has a chance against Corruptors and Devourers now. But, you do have to tech up to fleet beacon to get their upgrades and at that point, 1- 2 carriers are a better tech. Lastly, you need a critical mass of them to be effective.

Potential suggestions for Mirages: 1) make it able to graviton beam massive units and hybrids for a shorter period of time than normal (leveraging from how infested diamondbackā€™s ability works). 2) make it start with a nerfed version of phasing armor at base (similar to how sentinels changed)

Carriers - I realized its new ability can stun main (void shards, thrashers) and bonus objectives (pirate ship in rifts to korhal, archangel in void thrashing). Not sure if this was intended but gives me flashback to when Novaā€™s Strike Goliaths with its stun upgrade could do the same against the pirate ship :slight_smile: .

New Purifier Beam - :fire: :muscle:


For true solo runs you are not allowed to take your Allyā€™s main base, this is a rule for both speedruns and mutation solos. You are also only allowed to take 1 expo, except for vl or lnl where you can take an extra expo from amonā€™s base.

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I know, but the point remains. Just trying to find ways for him to make it work since heā€™s having trouble.

From my experience, AI doesnā€™t even nuke expansion if you donā€™t build any extra buildings there.

Ok, so once you get to 15 probes, you make a pylon, either in the middle of the main base or near your ramp. Put your tech around it.
Once you get to 23 supply, youā€™re gonna need another pylon. Put it at any of the entrances. You need to build that pylon anyway, so throw it in a spot that will help you when ghosts start coming.
When you get supply blocked again, youā€™ll need another pylon. Put it at an entrance.

And thereā€™s you go, you havenā€™t been ā€œset backā€ 300 minerals because you need those pylons in order to get anything done.

If youā€™re going static defense-based solo, you can ā€œignoreā€ the south entrance to the main base because you will have static defense there to kill bonus trains.

1 cannon can kill basically infinite nuking ghosts; any extra are purely to kill hybrid that pop out of the trains. if youā€™re running army, you might want another cannon at the northern/expansion ramps (either that, or just kill the hybrid with your army). If youā€™re running static, you should have more than enough firepower to kill hybrids from trains as they spawn.

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Just so Iā€™m here I want ask if I am playing Karax right in Oblivion Express solo vs Terrans.

Whenever I go for cannon or robo the first priority isā€¦

  1. Set 1 pylon in the closest entrace and make a Gateway or Forge
  2. Start making Assimiliators
  3. Spend 100 Solar Energy on Orbital strike to break expansion (leave others to photon cannons)

Then I decide whether I go with Cannon or Robo.
Also I put upgrading Spear of Adun in my Highest priority.


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