Missile turrets can spot high ground units

I dont know if this is how it is supposed to be but terran missile turrets that are placed below a ramp can somehow spot (at least) flying units that are on the high ground. However they can only spot them when the high ground units are attacking the turret.

I just had a game where my voidrays approached a missile turret that was positioned below the ramp and as soon as they stared attacking it the turret started firing back…

All units that use the air plane act like this, so all air units and the Colossus.
In the editor, the damage effects of these units’ attacks had to be adjusted to make the unit visible. I assume that this is intended.

When these “air” units attack something, they are targetable for 3 game seconds (= 2.1 seconds).
Ground units do not become targetable, they only appear in fog and on minimap

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