MaxPax 3 - 2 Clem

The most competitive RTS game indeed


It was really Playa who beat Clem 3-2 because he stole his builds. kekw.


Seems about right…

The EU scene is a joke.

LUL balance is joke…


Which one isnt balancewise? Dude dont judge players better than you… the gap has closed to a point I cannot say KR players are super impressive much more than those of the eu as the next pro players

I just think it’s really funny that because Clem isn’t Korean and can beat Zerg players he becomes rank 1 on Aligulac.

Is there a law that dictates that a 6700MMR player in no way can defeat a 6900MMR player? What the OP’s point?
If it is OK for this 6900MMR payer to defeat a 7100MMR player (Showtime)?
Why we should be surprised?

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MAxPax 3-0 Zest : no one says anything
MaxPax 3-2 Clem. reeeEE


Where do i find the series?

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SC2 mmr barely meant anything ever except a few WCS ladder qualies. Even kr ladder was dead all along since top players were training within the teams until ~2015-2016. After blizzard impact on disbanding all kr teams and losing more than a half of kr player base top korean players forced to play only custom games with each other even more.
As already mentioned in this thread Clem is the top 1 in the world according aligulac and he’s just losing bo5 to a meme protoss player from Beastyqt streams. Moreover Reynor being top 3 and playing another race is also losing to a protoss player Krystianer who is even below 6500.
My point was the game is obviously broken and anyone can have a decent odds to win any rated player by picking protoss. I hope people stop pretending there is anything about cybersport left in this blizzard money swollen RTS genre leech.

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Yeah as Heromarrine mentioned, every 100MMR in high GM count as a new league. Its mostly impossible for lets say Gold to beat Dia player. Same is Harstem (highest mmr had about 6.8) beaten Serral (7.4highest, now 7.2) for month or so in BO3. And it wonnt be possible when Protoss werent or isnt so Imba and OP

If one is stupid enough (assuming you are not trolling) to accept this manure, than you are right to be surprised that sometimes MaxPax beats the…“No 1 of the World”
Game is balanced (a little Terran favored in TvP and TvZ) but we won’t ask for nerffing Terran.

Your point has no merit. One should not waste time debunking terran-delusions.

ClownPax is carried by his race, his strengt is only a cheesing potential of MemeToss combined with efectivness of some units

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SC2 game design is broken fundamentally. Protoss abuse is the most blatant showcase of that.
If Clem is not “No 1 of the World” name who is the one and why is there no rating system reflecting that.
I have no idea what you’ve meant by “terran-delusions” since exact the same Reynor - Krystianer series with even bigger rating (aligulac and ladder) gap was mentioned. That’s the exact thing of a random mediocre protoss dice rolling victory against top tier player.
The game is broken in its very essentials enough to be imbalanced even in mirror matches. If you were old enough you could remember Has - ShoWTimE WCS semifinals.

What was the tournament, is there any VOD?, would be nice talking about actual games instead of just names.

Maru is best, why is he not the number 1 at aligulac?, because he started playing again recently and does not play enough ranked games and Clem plays on a lot of tournaments and even weekly open cups, the more games a player play, the more mmr they will have.

Right now CLem is the best in EU, previously the best players were Reynor and Serral, but lately Clem showed that he is able to beat them. And Maxpax is not exactly a mediocre protoss,he is currently the top 7 on EU rankings. At high level there is no 100% guaranteed result, it’s not like comparing diamond vs gold, at those levels people don’t know how to play, they are playing at high level and at high level the mistakes can be punished and can suppose the end of the game because the players are veterans.

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roflmao Zest really likes to … look weak to his opponents. MaxPax is is really not that good and started as a cheeser did he not.

Why protoss players are behind? Because while others are training the long game… these MaxPax, Has were just trying to cheese win tournaments…

Sorry though, french stream. :fr: :baguette_bread:

Clem is hands down the best terran in EU, due to his micro and multitask. But he’s still a young player, and so not as experienced as the others in terms of mindgames and decision making.

Decision making which was poor, as MaxPax did cheese him 3 times (with variations of either semi-proxy gate or proxy stargate), while Clem did systematically reaper expand on the low ground. So MaxPax went for counterbuilds and won due to that.

Still, it was a bit of a sorry Bo5, as the efforts Clems deployed in terms of micro were unbelievable while MaxPax’s were rather standard. Yet there Clem didn’t found an answer branching from his opener, and every slightly imperfect control cost him dearly while Maxpax basically just had to go back an forth in batteries range with his voidrays, and activate the prismatic alignment whenever locking a cyclone (= guaranteed cyclone death due to leeway). Even on the one game where he went gate expand with a delayed proxy SG, the amount of pressure he could inflict (while having expanded !) was unbelievable.

Still, MaxPax destroyed Mana just previously, while it was a mirror ; so he looked like having stepped up quite a bit compared to what was known. And Clem, despite being among the top world terrans, persisted with unsafe bets ; and so tactically deserved to lose. Yet, current proxy voidray batteries didn’t seem balanced in this PvT sample.

According to Aligulac :
February : 53,5% PvT, 53% PvZ, 46.5% TvZ
March : 53% PvT, 53% PvZ, 45% TvZ
April : 50.5% PvT, 48% PvZ, 52% TvZ

If anything overall it’s Terran which seems to have gotten the short end of the stick ; with either one or two unfavored match-up compared to the other races.

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I still remember people crapping all over MaxPax and saying he was just some noob that nobody knew about. And when I mentioned that he was like 12 and literally made a build people named after him they still dismissed him.

Why should we be surprised, there are people who dismissed Clem (and maybe still do)

I dont know if MaxPax will ever be as good as Reynor/Serral/Clem but he is extremely creative, that is undeniable.

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Thanks, will watch them, for now, the first game was amazing, perfect example of T BS, Clem’s bunker micro was insane with that reaper and scv.

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