Matchmaking is trying to make me leave the game

Matchmaking noticed I suck really, really hard against Terran and I keep losing to them.
So, they decided to only match me against Terran.


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So half your games are vs Terran, this is far from incredible. Just think of it as extra practice.

Rookie numbers h ttps://

Our data seems to suggest that Zerg is the weakest race. I never questioned it.

And you are very good vs protoss (Like almost every zerg is) but you still have the audacity to cry about protoss. Shame on you.

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What? Topic about constant meeting terran not about pvp


I know that feel, bro

I addressed this absolute joke of an argument here: "What's the counter to this a-move imba unit?" - #32 by Гуди-21656

You kinda did but actually funnily contradicted yourself:

Harstem actually says that. Its a l2p issue. He states that on lower level its an issue because in ultra lategame the effort to fight is uneven. But its not about carriers being too strong. Its about the answer for zerg is too hard. And also we talk about ultra lategame here.

If you just sit there the entire game doing nothing and letting protoss get t3 every tech pass ultimate lategame army you better be prepared my dude. Like its been demonstrated 1000 times in pro play you simply can corrupter rush those guys. Or muta corrupter. It aint that hard you know? If you cry about ultra lategame which is essentially just one part of the matchup that is actually rarely achieved its kinda sad to balancewhine about the entire race or matchup. You should be facing hero style protoss anyway. Either that or you are too low.

Also, this video and this issue was BEFORE the latest patch got released which fixed this issue because you cant no longer void ray turtle your way into skytoss.

So its all fine now for you and i dont have any idea why you are still here whining about a matchup where you win 60% of the time. Also…i suspect that you are an aggressive player since your winrate is high in zvp and zvz but your cheeses dont help you in zvt, eh ? :slight_smile:

Nephest suggests the idea. Your matches are pretty short overall and i couldnt see 1 single zvp where the match was 25 minutes+ where you could actually really experience the unfairness of skytoss. So what is exactly your problem?
(I can only see 1 zvp with 21 minutes half a month ago but thats about it)

This is also what I stated in the previous thread: "What's the counter to this a-move imba unit?" - #15 by Гуди-21656
As a result, I didn’t bother reading your answer past that point.

If you dont have any more arguments then just say you dont bother anymore :smiley:
Yeah ok whine about things that already got fixed with a balance patch and that you dont face anymore :clown_face:

Also omegalul about that part:

There were so many eras where brood lord infestor were completly overpowered or in general just the brood lord and EVERYONE cared. Except blizzard balance team ofc. Also…this got mentioned in harstems video too. You dont even watch your balancewhine videos properly. smh

“Your” arguments are either things I already addressed or, more hilariously, things I stated myself earlier.

Talking to you is basically just talking to myself, an activity I only indulge because I just so happen to really like myself.

Which is irrelevant because “then” isn’t “now”.

Funny enough that you say that because the carrier lategame problem is also a “then” problem. Not a “now” problem. Because a balance patch happend. Technically speaking yes the interaction is now nearly the same but practically void ray into skytoss and therefore skytoss turtle is dead. Also…the problem of zerg lategame is now only dead (like the skytoss problem) because it got fixed by fixing the midgame interaction between zerg and protoss. Now zerg doesnt have an easy way macroing up to lategame broodlord which completly invalidates ground toss. And btw that balance patch was invented by a proplayer team which includes harstem. Its a harstem approved balance patch to fix this bs.

It can be seen from your matches that you rarely face lategame skytoss at all. So please stop crying already with your 60% winrate vs toss. Pulling a vid from january to justify his whining. smh

Edit: People should really start to use test maps. On even value corrupters absolutely destroy carriers. Stalkers also destroy carriers on even value. Most people just think “A” unit beat me in battle it must be op while not understanding that especially in lategame you might already have lost the game whilst not knowing it or there are several other issues which lead to the loss.
People should send in replays to show that they played better in that particular case and only lost because of the difficulty of the interaction. Then we could so some “iodis” or just send it straight to harstem. But they wont do it because they know they messed up big time.