Masters MMR but no promotion

Hi there!

I finally got back to masters mmr after winning my last game and it didn’t give me a promotion.
Its saying I’m bronze 3 and about to get demoted!

Anyone else experience this?

Same thing happened to me twice in 2 different seasons. It’s a bug, and Blizzard don’t care or know how to fix it.

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Did you have it for the whole season?

Got the Same Problem im About 4450 and Getting Bronze 3 every time IT sux… please Blizzard fix and i Start plaY again lol

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I haven’t played SC2 in like 5 years. I decided to get back into it not knowing what I’m doing. After 5 lost placement matches, 2k MMR, I made it into Masters 3. Not sure why or how, and I definitely feel like I don’t belong in masters

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Yes, I had it the entire season. It got “fixed” the following season, but here we are again. It’s been jacked up for over 3 seasons now.

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This happened 2 seasons ago, and it’s happening again. It’s becoming the norm… Blizzard only cares about Call of Duty these days.

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The whole ladder is broken, most of us stuck in Bronze 3 and Blizzard is not fixing it at all. Very frustrating , ranks don’t mean anything anymore.