Mass hydra vs. mass carrier

Do you just A move and take out the interceptors, or try and focus down the carriers?

This is theorycrafting, no other units allowed.

Assume +1 range on hydras and 2/2 for both armies.

even though 10 interceptor have 800 hp and the carrier 450, you lose a lot of dps potential attempting to focus fire especially if the carriers retreat. Also, killing interceptors lowers the dps of the carriers more progressively. Units that go better with focus fire are air units or stalkers with blink because they can access carriers more easily and also because they may have bonus damage vs massive/armored.

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Now practically, hydras would only be good in a nydus queen timing with the queens tanking the interceptors and the hydras killing them in the back. if the protoss gets enough carriers he can just trade interceptors for hydras repeatedly and retreat with the help of the mothership/terrain.


Corruptor/infestor/spores(/broodlords if there are high templars) would be way better. The alternative would be going hydra/queen/spores and 2 full armored ultras which actually wins if the protoss doesn’t focus fire the hydras because you can heal the ultras endlessly (the ultras have to stay in front).


Depends on carrier count, but they usually die either way for me. If i have enough hydras to engage tho i focus the carriers whenever possible

You’ve found success in focusing down the carriers and ignoring the interceptors?

Only when the carrier count is lower than my hydra supply, like if they go canon rush into 2 base skytoss. There comes a critical mass of carriers that massacres hydras of all numbers eventually, so corruptors are a better option