Love the campaign but why are there so many potholes?

Im so glad these discussions still happen here. Every so often Ill get a random and inexplicable urge to play SC2 again. Then I pop my head in here, read some stuff, and remember it sucks. So Ill play Mass Recall instead.


Also, why the hell is my name different on the forums now??? It shows my blizzard account name, not my SC2 in game name.

They changed the forum software, what was it, a month back now?

May 29th was the forum switch. I’ve gotten used to it for the most part, but I don’t think I’ll ever be a fan of the scrolling system. Seriously, why must all the posts be shoved onto one page?

At the very least, they could have had Umoja or the KMC step in. Hell, even a return of another UED fleet would have made more sense then just making the Dominion all-powerful again.

Protoss…I don’t know what you could have done that would have made sense that doesn’t involve introducing other factions to make up the numbers such as the Tal’darim or the Purifiers (if the latter even existed back then). They were left in such a bad state other than having Shakuras to rebuild on. In my head-canon, the Protoss should have been rebuilding on Shakuras for a long, LONG, time.


What was your old nick?

I am still calling for timeskip and crystal shenanigans to handwave their population restoration.

Probably because there wasn’t a dedicated campaign for characters like Amon, Mengsk/Valerian and/or Selendis. Also in Starcraft 1 your playing a character as an outsider to other people’s plans as opposed to Starcraft 2 your playing as the characters with their specific narrative.

SC2 not having a full-fledged villain campaign was such a bad choice. Controlling a Hybrid army led by Amon that’s made up of all 3 races plus Hybrid super units could have had a lot of potential.


I want a mini-campaign where we just roll around as the Golden Armada and destroy Dominion planets.


Wouldn’t that be too trivial ? It’s just a matter of pressing a button :wink:

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Just like playing Protoss on ladder. Huehuehue.

In general it’s a mistake, because it makes it much harder to keep villain credibility, because “Player has to win”.

Also, I am sure quite many would enjoy playing Tal’Darim.


Just had a q from reading this. Why didn’t Kerrigan go to Auir and add all those Zerg to her brood? It would be an addition for her, and a token of repayment to the Protoss for all the problems she caused. Yes they still hated her as evidenced on Ulnar, but a quick FaceTime with Zeratul or Raynor could have helped.

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I feel like I’ve seen this question before somewhere, but it’s mostly because the scattered broods of Aiur were all old strains, had no means of off-world transportation, and were just generally a feral hassle with little benefit to reclaim.

Kerrigan had little interest in buddying up to the Protoss, I mean see the entire Kaldir fiasco for that, so expending a lot of effort to take zerg she didn’t want or need off of a planet she didn’t control wasn’t really in her interests.


That’s because it was asked a gazillion times when LotV was released. There’s really no answer for why Kerrigan doesn’t just go around taking control of every feral brood that still roams around freely in the Koprulu Sector, such as the Aiur zerg.

The most logical answer is that going to Aiur just wasn’t on her mind at the time due to the whole Amon/Hybrid fiasco going on. Plus, it’s not like the Protoss would just go up to her and ask to have her take control of the feral Aiur Zerg.


I long since stopped caring about the plot holes except to mock them occasionally or derive morbid enjoyment when a new one appears. I don’t take the canon seriously and prefer to make-believe about fanfiction where things make sense. Don’t have much motivation to write though. Doesn’t seem to be enough interest in creative engaging stories these days.

Narud being Duran was the plot hole in the story, stealing artifacts from the Tal’darim should have never happened unless Narud was a different person than Duran or they introduced another protoss faction to defend the artifacts

It would be rather suspicious if the Tal’Darim just handed over the artifacts to the terrans.

Narud didn’t really have to explain how did he acquire them to anybody , and he wasn’t stupid to sacrifice a whole fleet of his allies to cover him from Valerian while he was preparing for an apocalypse , don’t forget that he had Tal’darim in his lab too in Heart of the swarm

Valerian would want to know where they were coming from. If it were just an ordinary dig, like on Mar Sara, he would want to see it himself.

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