Love for Catz and harstem Ft - batz getting rekt

I was watching him in the last rank roulettes and they are such great, non-toxic, entertaining and fun personalities that bring great content to the sc2 community. Thanks to both of you !


I once had a debate with a caster on his livestream. It was about barcode names. He was convinced that a barcode name is more anonymous than a typical name. Obviously that’s absurd so I asked him to list the first and last names of the past 10 people he faced. He couldn’t. Thus it is proven any other name is just as anonymous as a barcode name.

As soon as he realized I had a valid point he immediately started straw manning / lying about what I was saying. This streamer legit can’t reason very well and/or has very poor speech comprehension. I’ll let you figure out who it was. That seems to be a common theme for streamers in general. Not exactly the brightest bunch of people.


I think its not about the personal names but there are so many barcodes thats its harder to keep track of who is who. There are usually not many people with a specific battletag. I’m not very familiar with how battle tags work so i could be wrong but that might be what he meant.

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From memory, list your 100 most common opponents and their exact playstyles and build orders. After that we will move on to the top 1,000 most common opponents.

Let’s be real, none of the people who play SC2 have the IQ points needed to keep track of who is who. They just rage about barcodes because they are like Avilo and need an excuse to cry about why they lost.


Let me explain this in a simpler way. English isnt my main langage so maybe im not clear. Lets say you are top 20 grandmaster on EU server. If you see LiquidClem, you know how he usually plays, his playstyle, his habits. If clem is playing on a barcode, you can’t know for sure if its clem or not so you cannot adapt as well.

  • Claims clem has a unique playstyle.
  • Can’t recognize the playstyle and must rely on the name on the loading screen.

Tell me, sweetie, does Clem really have a unique playstyle if it’s so SUPER unique that you have to use his name to identify it?

lets say you play against Has then. You know he’s likely cheese you so you scout more thoroughly / extensively and play less greedy.

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It’s the same problem. No matter how you play your cards you can’t win this debate. If they have unique playstyles, then that should be recognizable using scouting and observing their micro, decision making, etc. If you can’t recognize them, then their playstyle isn’t unique, meaning you can beat them with vanilla builds that work against generic playstyles.

Barcode rage is just another version of maphacker / cheater rage. Low IQ dunces can’t get a grip on the reality that they lost a game fair and square, and have to moan like a dying goat about something (while pretending they have the IQ points to keep track of thousands of players and each of their playstyles - LMAO). Now observe the number of pro / gm players who engage in this sort of behavior, and try to tell me with a straight face that SC2 and intelligence are correlated. SC2 is a game for low IQ apm spammers which is why it’s also so famous for the extremely bad mannered / rage-inclined community that it has. When low IQ runs into a problem they can’t solve, they rage. That’s how it works.

Avilo was, and is, the king of SC2. Everyone thinks they are so much better than him, meanwhile they cry about barcodes or streamsnipers while completely lacking self awareness exactly like Avilo. They virtue signal off of Avilo to bolster their ego, which is exactly the sort of thing Avilo would do. Avilo is a meme / caricature of the soul of the sc2 community.

I’ve heard people say you do this but its the first time i see you do this. You’re a really smart guy, i know you’re trolling my friend ;).

  1. Some habits happen before you can scout or see your opponent. A one trick canon rusher can benefit from being a barcode because his opponents can hard counter him from the start. You can keep a probe near your ramp to stop him from walling you with pylons.

  2. I’ve never said clem has a absolutely unique playstyle. Going to do my best to explain it in english but remember im not perfect at it. Doing my best here. Lets say (just an example, im over simplifying it)

Maru often does A ----> B ----> C or D
Cure often does A ----> B ----> E or F

If you see Maru’s name, after seeing A then B, you know can scout more aggressively for C or D

If you see Cure’s name and he does A then B, you can scout more aggressively for E or F

If you see a barecode, its harder to know which one to scout after seeing A and B.

I’m not raging at barcode as the “advantage” it gives is extremely small, smaller the lower your MMR is as there are more and more players with the same name. Even at the top level, its a very small advantage. I dont mind barcodes at all. Its part of the game.
People should stop raging at stuff they dont control.

Of course, but you could decide to add a bit more marauders because he likes to transition into armored units. But barcodes are mostly useful in the early game to hide your identity and your associated favourite strategy in a very restricted player pool that you meet often, before you can even see your opponent for the first time (so mostly cheeses).

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Standard play hard-counters all forms of 1 base aggression without scouting. If you lose to this stuff, you’ve got a skill problem. Past the 1 base mark, there isn’t an excuse to not scout and you will have plenty of interactions to get a feel for your opponent / how he plays regardless of his name.

You can’t have your cake and eat it too. The barcode rage claim is that if a player had a unique name then it would help identify the playstyle they are facing against. This is a self-defeating claim because it admits that the playstyle is so incredibly generic that they can’t recognize it without the player’s name. If the playstyle is generic, then there isn’t a benefit to identifying it because they can use a vanilla counter to a generic build.

The claim is self-defeating. All it does is help low IQ people process the emotional blow of a video game (lmao imagine being that unstable). If they had >80 iq, they would notice the contradiction in the claim.

tell that to grandmasters and pro losing to canon rushes, proxy marauders and ling floods.

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You’re a smart guy, i know you know.

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Three problems there all unrelated to this issue:

  1. Poor fundamental skills (finishing walls, scouting / reading the game state, low reaction speed / doesn’t lift a depot on time, etc).
  2. Lazy or distracted play.
  3. Extraordinarily bad luck.

Absolutely, but if you know from the start you’re playing against a one trick canon rusher, i can bet you they would do their due diligence more often and the canon rusher would win less often. I’ve never said the small advantage being a barcode gives was insurmountable and coudnt be compensated by not being bad or distracted.

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That’s called a special pleading fallacy kiddo. “One trick cannon rushers” will drop a nexus first on occasion. That’s what makes cannon rushes good - the fact that they leverage against polar opposite playstyles. So if you go blind-countering a cannon rusher, some times you will catch the cannon rush and free-win, and other times you will waste time/resources hard-countering the opposite of what he is doing. Again, an IQ problem.

The only way to truly beat a cannon rusher is to be able to keep up in eco with a nexus first while also having the skill to beat a cannon rusher while playing an economy play that can beat a nexus first. So what you are admiting is that you can’t really beat a cannon rush unless they put a giant flag on the loading screen saying “WARNING: CANNON RUSH INCOMING” and even then you still lose to the cannon rush in the games where he doesn’t cannon rush (because you countered a build that wasn’t happening).

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I said a one trick. Meaning he’s terrible at macro and will get stomped by a pro player at macro game even with a slight disadvantage from the start. Also, countering canon rush takes barely any resources, just keep a probe near the ramp and dont allow him to wall you out. If you scout and find what he is doing, you will win because him macro is much worst than a top level player.

You keep straw-man’ing me. No wonder you believe everyone is 80 IQ.

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That’s the brilliance of it. If you keep taking an overly defensive posture the lead he gains by dropping a nexus first is so astronomical that even if he is a one trick cannon rusher it doesn’t matter. He just runs away with the game due to a massive economic lead.

Its not overly defensive, you keep a probe near your ramp for 15-20 seconds. Thats like 20 minerals lost. After that you scout and if you find a nexus first, you can easily punish it.

You can find an exemple of this is harstem’s road to rank 1.

It also happens to me on ladder. I face off against a guy named Alexiac quite often. I know he canon rushes a lot but his macro is really really bad. I know if i can stop his canon rushes and get in the macro game, he will lose 100% of the time because his macro is terrible. He legit floats 1k minerals at the 7 minute mark.

Now if he was a barcode, i can’t know for sure. I can’t play as safe against canon rushes (because i dont know he’s terrible at macro) and i dont even know if i need to play safe because i dont know his usual builds i need to watch out for.

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We’ve now pivoted from “it’s SUPER hard to counter it - that’s why you need to know it’s coming by the name on the loading screen” to “it’s super easy to counter it!”.

Like I said, standard play hard-counters early aggression with ease. After that point you have a lot of data on how your opponent is playing which helps you identify what he is doing. If you have to have their name to know what they will do, then you’re admitting their playstyle is so super generic that’s it’s not useful to know their exact name.

As i said, it depends against who. Against a bad macro player, those are fairly small losses that you can comeback from. Against an equally skilled opponent, its a much bigger deal.

I’m done trying to explain this to you. The mix of my poorly written English and of your very condescending way of communicating makes it really unfun to have a debate with you. Go back to your printer, little man. Or tell me a story about one of your conquest. These are much more interesting interactions.

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