Looking for someone to grind exp with

Cradle of Death, I’ll be the Karax.

It’s hard to imagine farming tomatoes :tomato: to A1000. I commend you for having the will to endure through it. :+1:

Haha true. I was thinking of mixing it in with regular games, plus I’m already at about 700.

Or…Pick Zagara with Apex Predator and you can finish Lock and Load in 10 minutes.

Are you not familiar with what Tomato :tomato: farming is referring to?

Doing LL in 10min is a lot less efficient than CoD B6+.

Exactly, and I really think I’ve hit my limit on speedrunning the same mission over and over.

Best way is still to just enjoy owning Brutal games. It’s just more fun lol.

Versus is more fun. I just need achievements because I’m a psycho.

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Lol, no no I understand. Achievements were what kept me going before for a time.

Now I’m zen with coop.