Looking for a smaller, more Casual Clan

Just wondering if there are any smaller, tighter knit clans around to join. I’ve tried larger clans and it just isn’t for me. I was in a smaller clan back in Brood War and it was some of my most memorable times gaming, so wondering if anyone out there has a place for me.

I’m not very good, high gold/low plat skill level, but mainly just looking for a place to chat and hang out, play some matches, that kind of thing. Clans with required practices and stuff just aren’t my bag. I’m not really looking to play seriously.

I’m also looking for a small clan, I recently started playing again after a few years… Also feel free to add me, we could have some fun :slight_smile: Zero#122790


You seem to like casual play.

Want to get in touch and tell me how I could help you with that?


Hey Zero!

Same for you if you don’t mind having a talk and see what can be done to fix this :sunglasses:.

Hope to hear from you!
Take care!