Infestors are extremely stupid

Welp myohmind should be happy. Infestor bug fixed, should be a pretty solid nerf for it. But knowing him its not enough.

I am happy about the bug being fixed. The usage of large numbers of infestors in PvZ should be watched carefully to see what the best course of future changes to the infestor should be.

Youre literally seeing over a 20% nerf to infested terran minimum.

Against zero defense units its a 21.4% nerf.

Against the bc its a 42.8% nerf.

That is huge.

I’m not saying it’s not huge. But what I am saying is that if Zergs are still massing 20+ infestors in PvZ, that means we still have a problem just like we had a problem with Mass raven and Carrier-HT.

Over a 20% nerf.
Not enough for myohmind.

And this just proves why i dont trust you.

Is massing 20+ infestors good for gameplay?. Was massing 20+ Ravens good for gameplay?.

I’m glad that bug got fixed but the infestor itself has multiple other issues. A few in TvZ, but so much more on PvZ.

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Further proving my point that you arent trustworthy.

The power of late game zerg has taken a SIGNIFICANT NERF and its not enough for you.
You give us absolutely no reason at all to trust you.
This is a 28% nerf (minimum) to the power of the infested terran against half of all non zerg air units.
And it is NOT ENOUGH for you.
I guess you truly do want late game zerg trashed.

Thanks for showing your true colors.

Is massing spell casters to wipe out armies with spells good for the game or not?.

Protoss 2 base all-ins in ZvP will be nerfed and late game infestor heavy Zerg play will still be the same.

You sound so much like one of those Terrans who defended mass AAM spam raven or mass raven back when they had PDD.

still be the same?
is the infested terran experiencing a 21%-42% nerf or is it not?
because right now it is being nerfed.

see - you’re STILL LIEING. and you think i should trust you for some reason.

Free units thats spammable and cheap shouldnt scale. The end.

Do you honestly believe that after the IT AA bug fix that is coming, Zerg are suddenly going to stop building 20+ infestors to completely destroy everything Protoss in the late game now that Protoss 2 base all-ins will be nerfed?.

do i think they will stop building them? no.
do i think they will be much less effective then before? yes.
see that is the difference. i’m not the one lieing about whats happenign.
you sit there and say “it’s not going to have an effect”.
when actual numbers tells us those infested terrans are going to be 21-42% less effective then before.
i’m not the one lieing. you are.

you don’t like mass infestor play. that’s okay. but the fact is even you, who is lieing left right and center, admits that zerg would need about 4 other units buffed to compensate for your “TO THE GROUND” nerf of the infestor.
that isn’t something you do in a balance patch.
it’s something you do when you revamp the entire race.

If the power of mass infestor remains the same after the IT bug fix, there is a problem with large numbers of infestors.

You don’t even need to “nerf the infestor into the ground”. You haven’t even asked me what I would do.

Also those other Zerg units do need buffs.

the power is literally not remaining the same. that is obvious just based on numbers.
20 infestors spamming IT will be 21%-42% less effective against air units.
simple math shows this.
answer me this - if the marine base damage was reduced from 6 to 5, would bio still have the same power as before?

i’ve read about 5 different answers from you. i don’t like any of them.

and that is why you wait till the yearly overhaul.

Infested T should be “Oh shift, I shouldnt be here” kind of thing, not “LUL, WAS THAT AIR ARMY??? LOLOLOLOL” That unit does everything well. Units like this are bad game design.

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what role the IT should fill is up for debate - however if you nerf it that bad, you’re going to have to compensate the zerg late game arsenal elsewhere.
this would result in buffs to at least 3-4 units and should be done during one of the yearly overhauls instead of trying to change the entire zerg race mid year and in the middle of tournament season.

that is my argument.
myohmind is so deluded he literally believes something that mathematically is nerfing the power of the IT AA capabilities by 21.4% to 42.8% is having ZERO Impact.
despite literal math showing otherwise.

So you admit that the bug fix(some very needed and does reduce the IT power) will not discourage Zergs from still building 20+ infestors in late game ZvP.

It’s called brainstorming. Have an open mind and let me run past some other ideas about the infestor.

You are not “changing the entire zerg race”, you are reducing the power of the infestor and buffing units that should be filling the roles the infestor does.

I mean, you have an effecting -4 damage against armored targets

just because you don’t like the playstyle does not mean it should be discouraged.
the play-style is TAKING a big nerf. it will in fact make protoss and terran late game stronger against the zerg late game.
that means balance is being achieved. you don’t like mass infestor. that’s your prerogative, but it does not mean that infestor needs further nerfs.

heres the problem. you say you want zerg to have options.
but you’re not giving them options.
all you would do, as seen by your ideas, is shift from brood infestor to something else.
if you want them to have options you nerf the infestor without making it useless (which is what you would do).
and buff other options to make them competitive.

just because you don’t like mass infestor doesn’t mean it won’t be balanced after this patch.
just because you don’t like mass infestor doesn’t mean it won’t be balanced after this patch.
just because you don’t like mass infestor doesn’t mean it won’t be balanced after this patch.
just because you don’t like mass infestor doesn’t mean it won’t be balanced after this patch.
just because you don’t like mass infestor doesn’t mean it won’t be balanced after this patch.
just because you don’t like mass infestor doesn’t mean it won’t be balanced after this patch.
just because you don’t like mass infestor doesn’t mean it won’t be balanced after this patch.
just because you don’t like mass infestor doesn’t mean it won’t be balanced after this patch.

What happened to the Raven to discourage massing of it to wipe out entire armies with spells?.

Look what I want to see if Zerg building 10+ infestors and dozens of other units, not 20+ infestors and a couple other units. Big composition difference since spell casters are supposed to support your army and not be the core of your army.

It will be exactly the same even when IT’s AA attack is being reduced by armor again. Why?. Because you can spam IT’s in such large numbers and unlike auto-turrets they don’t take up a big enough surface area so they can be close together.

Are Ravens “useless” after AAM got nerfed?. That is what you are implying, also here are some changes that you could do to the infestor:

  • NP cannot be used on massive units, but is now permanent and can also be used on structures.
  • Fungal Growth cannot work on air units.
  • Pathogen Glands upgrade removed
  • NP can no longer be cased while burrowed
  • Fungal Growth radius reduced from 2.25 to 2.
  • Fungal Growth damage removed, radius increased from 2.25 to 2.5.
  • Fungal Growth slow decreased from 75% to 50%