Infestors are extremely stupid

125 energy for NP would be fair since Parabomb is also that cost in comparison

If you make it 100/50 you make the pricing competitive with the hydralisk.

Disruptors can counter/stop usage of NP, for the most part. Infested terrans are BEYOND BROKEN due to rapid fire.

When you’re facing around 200 infested terrans, you’re talking around 3000 DPS. Every army is just annihilated by energy. With the amount of infested terrans people can spam, there really isn’t even a damage number you can give them that won’t annihilate everything. It would require the biggest damage nerf of all time.

I think a lot of the problems people have with the Infestors is that each ability works in tandem. I don’t disagree with you about infested terrand but just imagine if that was it’s only ability.

You might lose a base to infested Terrans but you could pull your army away and come back. Infestors are a 1-2-3 punch in one unit.

Why do you think Zerg bring spore colony’s up front if infested Terrans was all that was needed. I’ve watched the endgame ZvP. You move in on a Zerg and the NP pulls your important units over the spores. Infested Terrans and Fungals are the cherry on top. Just my opinion.

Why don’t you see Nydus with infested Terrans? It’s because they are slow and swarm host are the better candidate for spawning units.

Broodlords kill everything on the ground and spore/infestor is to wipe out everything in the air. Only you need the opponent to attack into you so you can NP and force the commitment and over extension.


I find queens more enraging. Max comps with mass queens are as strong as anything else in the game. Queens already do well against air units, and if you grant everything invincibility, then it’s no different than facing “free units.”

Mass queens are way too intimidating. It’s dumb. On a small map, I lost with 200/200 of 100% 3/3 tempests to PURE QUEENS.

The fact that Zerg essentially starts the game with this unit and there is no downside to massing them is as much of a joke as anything else. To add insult to injury, how many times has the tempest been changed or nerfed? The unit has always been dog s.

At least infestors cost gas and have things to be researched. I can’t stand queens. Omg… he has 100 queens and 1 ultra… I gotta retreat with my maxed out “ultimate army!” We really need to go back to broodwar.

What a troll you are…

What’s trolling about it? The only trolls are the balance team.

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Sure, share us the replay if it’s true.

Zerg has a tech tree that takes longer to climb. Your kinda forced to be on ling/bane or roach ravager for awhile with Queen being your only anti air.

Nerf the queen and open up the tech tree. I might climb my tech tree faster if my opponent is going to be nice and just let me drone and tech up skipping steps.

I hope that it is you that is trolling (the reverse would spell disasters for your mental capacity). He made his point using a slight exageration, but the point was made and it is more than valid.
Following BatZ take on “free units” - that Medevacs create free units (and is more than valid also), Queens can be considered (togather in a lesser degree SB) free unit generators…

It’s 100% true. Unlike the majority, I’m not really prone to just making up things for kicks or w/e. I don’t even understand lying. It is what it is.

I played the game on Bel’Shir Vestige. I spawned on the bottom side of the map. I sacked every probe I had, and maxed out on just tempests. I always thought this unit was dog s to the max. I wanted to see just how god awful it was.

I figured if anything should be able to theoretically counter invincibility, then it might be the unit with the most range in the game. Why my opponent ONLY had queens, outside of the unit being good against nearly everything and having invincibility, I’m not quite sure.

Mass queens + ultras was a very common strategy on Bel’Shir, though. Probably even the most common strategy I faced.

When you face mass queens, there is no such thing as clearing creep. The whole map is creep. You kill it, a second later it’s back. Thus, queens always have enough mobility to attack you. Someone should test it out on a micro map, but it might take 5 years to kill 200/200 queens that always have energy.

Have fun trying to get the magic number of tempests to 1 shot things and putting a dent into endless queens. Rapid fire makes this game as serious as sarcasm. “Watch me grant invincibility to 1k units at a time! You will never kill me!” Stupid as s.

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LOL, it was not even a slight exageration…
It was real, OMG.


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Maru uses a ton of 2 base stim allins that can now hit faster. He had a hard falling off after the proxy nerfs so this buff will quite probably change his performance a lot like what happened when proxies were buffed in the first place. A 25 gas reduction in overlord speed probably won’t change serrals play as it means after scouting an allin he can afford 1 more baneling or 1 more roach. Stim timings hitting faster are a completely different matter and could completely break TvP especially for maru who is having success with those builds in their unbuffed state.

I’m not saying that zerg late game at the moment is not strong. All I’m saying is that at the moment there are buffs to terran, a very important nerf to infested terrans (They dealing 20-40% less damage depending on the unit is very significant) and buffs (although IMO a bit too small) to protoss lategame. Hence, I’d advice caution, because even the smallest changes in the past have shown to have big tricke down effect.

IMO the protoss nerfs have been a bit too much. And honestly I’d give a buff to HT somewhere.

All I’m saying is, the patch is huge and anyone who claims can know exactly what happens with it is definitely lying or does not understand how truly complex the game is, so why not see where this brings us before introducing more changes.

This is how deluded myohmind is.
Its mathematically proven that the infested terran is taking 21 to 42% nerf and he calls it “insignificant” and “a slap on the wrist”.
Hes clearly shown that his hatred of the infestor is more important to him than balance.

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It’s a slap on the wrist compared to what was done to the Raven and Carrier when they were massed in large numbers.

Sure IT’s are getting a nerf no denying that, but it’s not going to change ZvP late game where Zerg masses infestors.

PvZ 2 base all-ins from Protoss are getting nerfed, which means more Zergs are going to get to the late game deathball armies.

See now your backpedaling.
And youve been denying that its a nerf for days now.
And the goal of the nerf isnt to make mass infestor not a thing, despite your obvious hatred of the infestor and desire to see that be the case.
The goal of the nerf is to reduce the strength of mass infestor as a late game aa tool. And it does that well

Just because you do not like the infestor does not mean it needs to be nerfed into uselessness.

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Terrans said that about the Raven and look what happened.

I’ve said it’s a nerf and advocated for the -2 damage nerf not being done when the bug is fixed. But it doesn’t solve the problem of NP taking over enemy armies and Fungal stopping anything from getting close or escaping or just outright killing them with chaining if they are low HP units.

Everyone watching ZvP and playing ZvP can see mass infestors is a problem.

You mean the raven that is actually still used?

See now you want to nerf literally every aspect of the infestor. You literally prove that you do not like it.
Tough crap.

And yet its getting a huge nerf. So qq less.

That should give you hope about the Infestor when the nerfbat hit’s it in a few months from now due to how ZvP will deteriorate.

Only in the IT part.

You can’t build big units against Zerg to fight them because they get NP or Abducted.

You can’t fight Zerg in the air with anything but T3 big units because Fungal and Parabomb wipe out all other air options.

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