Im done cu zerg sh/nydus imba 45455435

cu- its jk race



Weird. I rarely lose to Nydus. It’s so telegraphed…

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Because in your low league when zerg player is building a nydus tunnel he usually forgets to put units in it.


Well, not all of us have recall or complete vision of our side of the map or warp in wherever.

If terran pushes with army, worm, even scouted forces big part of army back or you just take massive dmg and zerg units are back home for a fight before you arrive anyway.

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This more than anything is why the invincible nydus of the past was so incredibly brain dead. Don’t get me wrong, there was nothing sensible about it, but by simply making an invincible nydus on your side of the map, it contained you since you needed your whole army to deal with it (you couldn’t kill it before it finished and they could send their entire army through it if they chose to).

It was so obvious how abusive and wrong it was, yet how long was it in the game? That just goes to show you what level of balance to expect going forward. None of them care.


Lol. You go right ahead and tell yourself that. I vs high diamonds usually with the occasional plat and masters thrown in. Sometimes mid masters.

ehrenmann, dukenukem, platys51, playa… and all in ONE thread :smiley: wow, this is like a showroom of the biggest whiner on this forum :smiley:

we only miss myohmind’s opinion :x

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Gonna agree here in the sense that this feels like minimal effort towards obvious problems and changes for the sake of changes.

Hope they rethink this… Infestor is too strong and the nydus/sh are just infuriating… I don’t get why they’re so afraid to nerf Zerg when they’re doing incredibly well and have for a very long time. I rarely play Zerg and im better with them than my main race now and it feels the same watching the pros.