Ihan-Rii Nexus Skin Warp In Model missing Attachment Points

When an Ihan-Rii Nexus is attacked during warp in, the game displays the error message:

CActorShield[ProtossShieldFull] Could not find e_attachShield or a dynamic shield attach on unit [ 44 1] CActorUnit[Nexus] with model Nexus_Ihanrii_WarpIn.m3.

Visually, there are no shield impact models. These appear when using any other Nexus skin.

The source of the problem is that Nexus_Ihanri_Warpin.m3 has no attachment points.
It should have been similar to NexusWarpIn.m3 with 5 attachment points


This issue should prevent the visibility of Oracle’s Revelation affecting the Nexus in the final stage of the warp in

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