If at 6 minutes on Rifts to Korhal

If at 6 minutes on Rifts to Korhal I take my opponent’s Ally’s expansion, am I a bad guy?

What is the appropriate response if he kills my base?

If he lets you, take it. If he then kills you, leave the game not worth playing.

If he doesn’t let you, you’re mean and you should let him take His expo


Ask your ally if he wants his expansion first.


Good point, but what if he didn’t respond to me saying (glhf) and proved that he was antisocial?

Being antisocial is not a reason to steal from people.


I’m amazed by the number of players posting “ally killed my base”.
It never happened to me in coop. (even on mass-shooting NA server)

If you behave like a jerk, expect backfire…


If he doesn’t reply a hi back it’s not a reason to steal his base. It’s not an obligation to start with.

@All can smb tell me how to use strikethrough text? Don’t find the option :pleading_face:


(>strike<) ( >/strike< ) But invert the carrots. Also, no parenthesis.


so you take someone’s base, because he doesnt want to talk and just want to play? and you ask what to do, if he takes his own base? maybe just not take his base?


People should expand by the 6:00 mark on the mission, but not everyone does. They may not have their rhythm down yet, may be distracted, etc. That doesn’t open you up to just take his exp. without asking.


Are there actually people who take their ally’s expansion without asking and actually think there’s a situation where they aren’t a bad guy? LOL

I’m assuming you mean that you’re taking their expansion as a third base as opposed to taking the wrong natural (which is pretty common for people even in Brutal).


Had this happen before. If I’m Terran, and I usually am, and they dont say anything, I’ll start building a CC just off of the optimal spot to expand on, then ping the CC. If they care, they’ll react and expand, and I’ll cancel (or make an Orbital). If not, then I just lift and reposition it. Never got backlash that way.

If anyone did it to me, I would just leave the game without saying a word. 100% of the time this sort of player is nothing short of being toxic. This sort of player would never leave you alone & even go so far to send you a harassment message after the game despite you saying nothing.

So yes, you being the bad guy here & should be ashamed of yourself. Next time, learn to play as a team. Like ReggieBlack said… “If you behave like a jerk, expect backfire…”.


Every time I wonder how is that so hard for noobs to distinguish left from right. There is only 1 expo for each player, one is yours, the other is not. If you play left - take the left expo, same with right. And somehow many people fail this task, it is too difficult for them. And then they say: “What’s the difference?” The difference is that you just stolen my expo. Imagine someone taking irl your breakfast, your shoes, your car - “Hei, they are pretty the same anyway”. I would break his face for this without warning. So. If you steal ally’s expo - be ready this game is over for you. That’s up on you, it’s not like your ally is bad, you betrayed him first.

Ehm, or you just take the other expo cause you don’t suffer from near autism stubberness and an “I’m right, they’re wrong” complex :joy: :joy:.

Srsly guy, chill down, noobs have fun playing a co-op game, you should try the same…
it’s a 2 player game, if the other player has to be on the same page as you on every aspect then why on earth play Coop in the first place?

There are many ways to play this game, most win anyway…

Also how old are you to “break someone’s face”… Cause in my adult world it doesn’t rlly work that way…

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Please don’t use the “N” word to me, son. I’ve been an expert gamer for 33 years. I solo brutations so hard, I can’t even queue for “casual” any more.

I’m asking about ettiquite, pls engage me in good faith and help our precious community grow. There’s obviously a lot of strong feelings and deep thoughts surrounding this topic, let’s all help each other be better Co Op Commanders. Gamers Rise Up!

Also, I would maybe stop threatening physical violence over a video game.

Moving on, so 6 minutes is “stealing” my opponents ally’s base. Is 7 or perhaps even 8 minutes acceptable? I’m not asking about teamkilling, I’m simply asking-

Okay, here’s the scenario. I’m zeratul, going mass cannon. I am building only probes and nexi for the first ~6 minutes of the game (and summoning those voidrays). I am fully saturated with 30 probes on each of my 2 bases. My ally hasn’t even expanded yet. I said (glhf)(slaproof) at the beginning of the game, and my “partner” ignores me. Let’s also say he’s a Raynor 1 basing into BCs. 6 mins comes and goes. Am I so wrong to expand to his natural if he hasn’t built a second CC or even made an Orbital?

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OP reminds me of those Vora players who use to steal geysers from players and told “Oh just destroy it when you need it”.

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RtK is a short mission. Another expo would just delay an already short mission.
Anyway, don’t be so greedy.
Let allies play at their own pace. They want to have some fun too.
I’m sure players on this forum is good enough without another expo nor a somewhat good ally.

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just…ask… them…


I don’t think there is a single commander who needs more than 1 exp to roll any map.