I need assistance! (noob zerg's request)

Hello there, I am Serious Wolf and I am noob at zergs. I love them, so i would like to hear what should i do to improve my skill. I was in bronze 1, now in silver 1, but i would like to train to do more. Can you give me a piece of advise?

#0: Play queen/roach only (corruptors vs. air and broodlords vs. turtle-ly players) until your injects and creep spread are decent (kinda diamond3).
–> google “shuuragksh hotkeys youtube” (if you have less than 1k ranked games in total)
–> follow Vibelol’s Bronze to GM guide on youtube (new series):
https : / / www . youtube . com / watch?v=EkSaNTad_dI

#0.5: Ignore my wall of text below at first and just follow vibe’s yt guid first. Also do 15min per day to train injects & creep spread (7 ladder maps so 1 ladder map per day).

#1 Keep calm and build drones - scout every half base you saturate (use your gas for ling speed, then overlord speed after double queen)

#2 always go 17 hatch, 18 gas, 17 pool (16 hatch vs. protoss later on but just take the 3rd base location for your 2nd hatch if the natural is blocked.
–> vs. cannon rush take 2 gases and go 4 ravager rush + queens + drones (change ralley point back to main base) and use biles as often as possible + creep + injects.
If it’s not only cannons but also immortals or voidrays or whatever, get a 2nd hatchery for more queens and build a few spores vs. voidray and spines vs. immortal (focus warp prism first always).
–> Remember that a single spine or queen can take out everything if you are on the high ground and protoss has no vision.
–> vs. terran bunker rushes it’s kinda the same
–> if you don’t know what’s coming get overlord speed (only when opponent has 2+ bases), queen/ravager is your go-to cheese defense vs. terran/protoss and vs. zerg it’s queen/roach (and if overlords are dying on the map, get 1-3 spores per base (PLUS 1-3 more drones) and a few vipers plus corruptors)
–> if it’s not 1base but weird, get more queens and a spine (overlord speed is really nice though)

#3 focus on creep injects, then scouting (overlord/overseer/changeling), then drones or army, then upgrades/tech, then creep spread.

#4 IMPORTANT: only 1 gas per 16 drones. NEVER take gas before you have 16 drones at a base and always replace workers after you build a building.
–> At 4:00 (vs. terran/protoss) you build 1 spore per base AND 1 worker per base.

#5: army comp could be queen/roach (up to 10 queens; get an extra control group for creep queens) into lurker/corruptor or just roaches + queens for creep spread & anti-air (focus on medivacs. warp prisms, drop overlords first and everything flying that attacks later as spores can deal with them)

#6: If you loose a game, work in your vision (especially the first 2-3 overlords) and your injects, expand timing, spending skill and upgrade/tech timings.
(you can use control groups and/or amount of gas you currently have as an orientation)

#7: Overlord paths
general rule: mid and late-game you build overlords with the larvae you DON’T have from injects (don’t build too many overlords and never too few - roaches cost a lot of overlords and queens/drones/lings cost only half the overlords of roaches). Always build the overlords 1 by 1 and look at the minimap while you build them so you can build 1, right-click it out on the map so it has a purpose (spot drops, spot army movement / main attack paths, spot possible new bases, …; use high ground / pervert pillars (WinterSc2) to park them in a safe spot if possible. Get overlord speed once you could have mutas or ravagers vs. Z and vs. T & P you get it after ling speed.)

ZvZ: first 2 overlords kinda go from your natural to their natural (first overlord sneaks in over the hatch a bit to see the amount of drones/lings and when your queen is like 75% done, go to the possible 3rd. 2nd overlord flies to the front of opponent’s natural out of queen range. 3rd overlord goes to your natural and then to the front of your natural to see incoming banes - 4th overlord goes to the front of your 3rd base to see incoming banes).
IF you see 2 early overlords that kinda match your first 2 overlords, skip any early lings and build 3rd overlord asap and hold down the drone button.
–> In ZvZ below masters it’s really nice / solid to go 1 gas ling speed into bane nest into 4 banes into +1 missile or lair (and always have 4 banes).

ZvT: First overlord goes from your natural to the front opponent’s natural to pervert pillar (high ground) to watch the first units (either hellions or marines usually). Note the timing of the reaper.
2nd overlord goes to the back of your natural to the front of your natural & kinda close to a high ground spot to see cheese attempt / first reaper(s).
3rd overlord goes to the reaper backdoor (usually colorfull arrows or “caution” or something flashy / different).
4th overlord goes to the front of your 3rd base or towards the oppoent if your 2nd overlord goes to the front of your 3rd base WHEN your 3rd base is up and the reaper is dead but you’ll always want an overlord kinda in the middle of the map AND an overlord/overseer near your oppoent’s natural.
An overseer near your natural or with your air units is also nice (keep its energy on 0 constantly to scout with changelings).

ZvP: first 2 overlords: similar to ZvT: scout the path from your natural to opponent’s natural with the first overlord & use the pervert pillar/high ground.
2nd overlord watches your natural vs. cheese (move it a bit so it’s following the probe a bit if you want to but NEVER stop watching the entrance to your natural as good cannon-rushers will use 2 probes.
–> This is more like a diamond/plat thing:
Watch the way the first probe moves. Terran players are 99% following some sort of build BUT protoss has more creative options so if the probes bumb into your buildings and/or circles your main base and then patrol in front of your main base until lings are out and will try to deny your 2nd and/or 3rd hatchery.
However, if the movement of the probe is “weird” (goes straight behind your natural mineral line, hide somewhere else, comes into your natural from a weird angle or weird timing or weird in any way, think about taking 2 drones to attack it and get an early 3rd base if the opponent builds a pylon in your natural (scout 3rd base area for proxy gates first and move your 2nd overlord to your 3rd base to see if protoss tries to build cannons there, too. Pull 4 drones per cannon immediatly, right-click the cannon and shift-click them back to the minerals (react to cannons with 4 drones asap and then send them back to mining asap and never stop droning and building queens. IF you can’t defend the cannon-rush with drones - also always have 2 drones attack/follow every probe you see, pull back, maybe get a spine and more creep spread but mainly rush 4 ravagers and then go into mass queens + drones + missile upgrades (1 evo) and 1 spore per base at about min 4-5 because 90% it’s gonna be cannons into air units (if you see air, rush hive as queen/viper/muta crushes mass voidrays and queen/corruptor crushes everything else (get armor upgrades - not attack upgrades!)
And then you’ll want 1-2 overseers to constantly check army and base defenses with changelings.

#TL;DR: Keep calm and build drones - if you loose with less workers than your opponent, change that! Post a replay (drop . sc) every 10-20 ladder games you play if you want feedback. Only 1 gas per 16 drones on minerals (no1 mistake below diamond unless you need ravagers vs. a cannon rush or bunker rush).
Work on your creep spread!!! (extra control group for creep queens & use rapid fire hotkey / shift key).
Train creep spread and injects 15min per day (7 ladder maps so 1 ladder map per day) to learn attack paths / overlord paths) and train creep spread & injects. If you’re bad at injects & creep spread it’s like playing with mouse only.

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Hello Wolf,

If you really want to improve, then watch the series from Vibe: From Bronze to Grandmaster

Here you learn in detail all needed steps from an expert!

Most important is Macro - until Platin you can win every game with better Macro. :slight_smile:

Thanks for that! Really helps!

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