I keep losing to Stalker/ Colossus/ Carrier

I have tried BCs, I have tried Bio, I have tried Thors. How can I beat this protoss combo?

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Make a combo of units lol

Viking bio. Biking kill colossi, stim bio kill rest

When I try that, the stalkers blink under the vikings and pick them off. Also, the interceptors are very distracting to the viking shots.

Vikings have long range. So keep them above your bio. The next stop to protect Vikings is to get liberators so of off stalkers that get close. But you’ll need to micro your Vikings to pick off colossi. Stim bio kills all interceptors and all gateway units. If needs be, get marauders to tank on the colossi shots

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marine/tank/medivac (if collossi are near, retreat to tanks and scan the toss army if they retreat to high ground so you always have vision of the toss army while they are in range though medivacs also give high ground vision)
If there are too many carriers, get some thors in single target damage mode and widow mines.
Marine/thor is pretty good vs. carriers and tanks demolish armored units (stalkers, collossi - kinda get 2 tanks per collossus and rest marines, 1 thor per carrier or something)
Don’t forget armor upgrades vs. carriers.

Please post a replay whenever you have a problem - often times it’s a macro / mechanics problem or the opening is bad (first 5 minutes)

Easy, start playing Protoss, easier macro, more options, better economy.

Yes, or play like Maru!