I can't beat void ray mass

Hey guys, I’m quite new to SC2 and I don’t think I am ready to climb on ladder. I am playing always unranked games, 3v3 and 4v4 mostly and I’ve encountered a thing that doesn’t let me play: all enemies mass Void Ray. I don’t know if it’s ok to complain about this thing since I’m playing 3v3 or 4v4, but I have no idea how to stop it and so I’m losing all the time against these things.

I know I suck at this game right now, but I need a way to counter them. I am playing as Zerg like all the time and I couldn’t find a way to win the games in these situations.

To counter mass VR as Zerg, lots of viper for parasitic bomb, and tons of muta. Muta hard counter void rays, just make like 2 per ray and 1 viper per 5 void rays

Early game mass queens is the answer, after you have hydras, infestors and vipers with parasites bomb. Don’t forget upgrades, and aslo armor upgrades when you play vs skytoss.

Thanks! I will try it out as soon as I face this again.

custom --> arcade --> search for “unit tester lotv online”

Build 8 hatcheries (terrain = field) and a few queens and stargates/pylons on the other side.
Then build mass voidrays vs. queen/viper and micro it a bit (refill vipers at hatcheries or evolution chambers, heal stuff with queens).
If you’re really good with micro, queen/ravager into queen/ravager/infestor is really good vs. mass voidrays. (and later definitly vipers)

Edit: If they don’t have archons, vipers, infestors, thors and kinda only mass voidrays, muta/viper is the way to go but it’s really, really expensive ans squishy.

Thanks dude! I already won some games with muta/viper unit composition. Also used some infestors for carriers and a bit of swarm hosts for harassment.


ling hydra wins in under 6 if you spread ur lings while they move their slow clunky laser planes across the map