Hydralisk evolution mission(s) not appearing

I’ve completed the missions in the following order:
Char-Zerus-Kaldir-Space … about to do Skygeirr. I have not completed, nor had the option to complete the hydralisk evolution mission(s).

I assumed I would have had access to the evolution mission after getting the hydralisk in Kaldir: Shoot the messenger, since I had already completed Zerus: Supreme

Is this a bug or did I miss something?

Sounds like a bug, unless you have some other pending evolution mission you havent done yet?

Yes, as Kelthar said. Supreme should unlock it, if you have finished all other Evo missions.

There were no other pending evolution missions when I initially posted. I completed them all as they became available (Zergling, Baneling, Roach, Swarm Host).

I just completed Skygeirr 1: Infested - the Hydralisk evolution mission finally appeared

Should I copy this over to the Bug Report channel? … or just let it go?

Yes, you should. 2020

Copied to Hydralisk evolution mission not appearing when expected

Thanks for the feedback

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That’s not a bug. If you completed Kaldir sooner it would come sooner.