How to change SwarmHosts

I wouldn’t mind a rework

Protoss is weak in zvp right now other than the 90sec window of a all-in. Even that is being nerfed.

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Yes protoss is very weak in PvZ except for the 2 base all in PROTOSS IS SUPPOSED TO DO or they lose 100% due to zerg eco and unit spam. and then zerg late game which needs to be tuned down 1000000%

once this nerf goes through protoss will barely win against zerg ever.

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Not a temporary unit? They last until killed.

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Zerg is favoured only in the ultra late game. Protoss is favoured throughout the majority of the game and everybody knows this.

Not true. Ultra late game??? not true zerg is favored almost the whole time except early game.

Clearly you dont know the PvZ match up. Its tosses worst match up by far.

PvT being more toss favored and PvP is 50/50

PvZ favors zerg if you look up statistics and watch tournaments zerg wins more. Alot more.

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The Warp Prism nerf is a PvZ thing. Terran doesn’t have a problem with Warp-Prism pickup or the Warp Prism’s cost.

It’s the actual opposite. Zerg is the favored in both ZvP and ZvT. Just check aligulac and rankedftw if you don’t agree.

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I’m saying they should make SH like a walking beehive.

Pretty sure that making swarm hosts cost money to spawn locusts has been suggested multiple times over the years. I’ve suggested it several times personally. Let them cost money so you don’t have to nerf swarm hosts to keep them balance. let swarm hosts be fast or even move while burrowed like they could for a time, but play with locust cost or power. If they cost money, they are automatically better because then you are trading minerals for minerals. As opposed to training money for cooldown like it is now.

I’ve even suggested doing this and giving it different types of locusts or allowing the locusts to attack air while they are flying. That way you can give zerg some better AA and just get rid of the infested terran and delegate some of the power of the infestor to another unit as like a stealth nerf.

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So tank shots are not free? Ammunition? Laser energy? Broodlings? Tempest shots?


You mean Serral only. Protoss has 6 players in the top 10 in Korea.

Prism range and cost were nerfed for Zerg specifically.

Your gold league opinion is irrelevant

Rankedftw has nothing to do with balance and aligulac doesn’t account for player skill.

But I guess I shouldn’t be surprised to hear this from the guy who thinks it’s logical to whine about a 3-0 victory.

All they need to do to fix the SH is make them a light unit instead of armored. If they did that, then units like the hellion and adepts who can actually catch them can kill them. Nothing feels worse than catching them and the units you have deal no damage to them. They are units that shouldn’t be parading across the map themselves moving at mach 5 speeds dumping their CD on T/P and running. They should be punished for not running protection.


so long as the locusts last until killed, sure.

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That will do nothing to fix the design it has.

Also you do realize that the Zerg protects the SH with static defenses and other units right?

25+ range on the locust from launch point to expiring.

That’s a valid point, but swarmhosts are often out early enough to punish before static d arrives.

How many units do a vs light in SC2 and how many of those weapons can target ground units?

Hellions, Adepts and phoenixes all would benefit. Many times if o could just deal damage when I catch them I’d be in great shape. I was watching Reynor use his swarmhosts earlier and they were running around unguarded and just throwing waves.

Adepts die, hellions get killed by the roaches or whatever and phoenix require a large number to be effective.