High ranking players are snobs?

It only happened to me once. I was playing brutation as Zeratul and the guy is playing as Nova. Everything was fine until I noticed half my base on the minimap was gone. That was when I notice this scum bag has been manually target my base, taking them out one by one. I quit that match, reported, only to get match with him again. I wasn’t sure it was the same guy, because I didn’t pay attention to his name, but since he play Nova, I pay close attention to him this time. Immediately after Nova spawn, He attacked me. Too bad for him, my hero is tankier and wipe him out with a message “u suck”. I quit and then get match with him again, and he did the same thing as the last time but nothing change except increase my anxiety when playing Co-op with Nova. Still couldn’t remember his name though.

This is not a high rank. A high player clears rocks for himself and leaves the ally’s rocks untouched instead. His diamond is fake, may be brother’s account or he bought the account level up on the side.

Did it work or not? If yes, then what’s the problem? If no - that wasn’t pro also.

We didn’t see the situation. May be you had 5-6 units for entire game and he didn’t like to carry you. Anyway you could go to your base and punish him. If you had a real army you could do that easily. You didn’t, so most likely your remainings were too much of remainings. For example - nobody can attack my base without being smashed like a bug.

In no case a real pro behaves this way to another pro. Among each other we talk about girls, countries, politics, movies while playing. The most likely reason why you can be scoffed on is that you don’t know how to play and make your ally CARRY you. When he doesn’t want to.

Player was Diamond rank. That’s high. It’s not Masters/GM, but still high on the chain.

The problem is that they sat there, said “Raynor OP” and then went a meme build. Most of the work was done by me.

I did not have a tiny amount of units all game. As I said, I had an entire army up. If you’re playing Stettmann and you have next to no units at any given point in the game (unless you took a very bad fight, or open with Super Gary rush), you’re playing him wrong. Infestors and BattleCarrier Lords do have a slow ramp-up time, but at least you’d still have something.

You are projecting EXTREMELY hard here. You have never seen me play, and have no idea how much I carry my own weight, lol.

The tl;dr of your post is just throwing shade at me.

Did you see a word I wrote? I told you he is not true. Re-read me.

Then he was not pro.

Actually no. I watched your account and it is pretty fine. I believe you 90%. However you can’t just go whine that someone behaved bad. May be they had reasons, may be they are just bad people. Complaining here gives you nothing. Everybody must filter people whom they are playing with. You see ally is a herp-derp? Leave or punish him on your own. There are ways of doing this. But telling here - I just don’t know what it is for.

I haven’t encountered this much. But funny story: I have a plat banner, which I guess can easily be mistaken for silver (because they’re both essentially the same color). I queued into a game with a gold banner player. He said “F*** silver league!” and proceeded to send all his workers to destroy my base. I just left.

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Just a recent example : cleared rocks , ally rocks and lock + more on locked on loaded, then had a probe waiting there to cap. What does my swann ally do? Literally drop his dropbots on the lock just to cap. Not even move 5 nope, just sit on a cleared lock with his calldown.
Sorry but there are limits to stupidity, especially since he saw I had a probe sitting there.
And another: a stettman player using solo Gary whole game, 0 units only playing with the field.

It’s not being a snob, it’s limits to tolerance

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I had a topic here with such pure stupidity examples. And you know what? It met heavy resistance! Lol. So many people were blaming ME for being bad ally to such trash noobs. Literally everyone took the noobs’ side. Topic was reported and deleted! Amazing reaction =)
I think it happened because so many people recognized themselves in such examples. Not personally but stereotypically. It’s like 99% people love cats because they see themselves in them. Same with noobs - everybody loves noobs because everybody loves their own irresponsibility and incompetence.


The situations were so different on why OP isn’t being reacted to the same way.

There is no meme builds in regular brutal because its so easy literally anything can work on it, heck ive even been successful with stupid builds like mass Primal Hives, mass Havocs, mass High Templars, and mass Fenix Disruptors, and I’d consider going mass vultures to be fairly moderate especially since the Hyperion can be used on essentially every attack wave to kill all the air units. If this was a Brutation I could maybe see it as trolling, but its not, so really you need to layoff about it.