GGariers is their name o'

Why not just replace the name carrier with ggarier?

Most of the diamond [tosser] leaguers that I match up on ranked 1v1 with go carriers. Much diamond LUL much skill LUL smurfin silver LUL

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Well, what else do you want? Protoss got nerfed hard this patch. To the point where you can either go stargate or blink allin or cheese.

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So these nerfs that these supposed game developers code, their intended result is to make games end quicker? And whats the point of that? To give tossers the thrill of a win?

That is not what this game needs, hence these developers is not what this game needs nor the dedicated sc2 gamers.

hence these developers is not what this game needs

I think 99% of players agree. But them Devs do it for more viewers by more action, by more players, by “new” content, so what ever esports needs. And with that more fans, more blizzard fans, buying their other games despite their bad things in hongkong no one should support them anymore, well I do not anymore, and many friends left since then (korean friend).

My honest (unrealistic) Sugggestion is:
You could buy the game from them, and make your own changes.

not sure if that including the all sc-license which would come with broodwar… is payable.

Carriers are considerably worse than they used to be. Before massive nerfs, they had clear and easy counter play. L2P Issue.

Well I am consistently trying to L2P. But how am I supposed to when diamonds and higher cut short that attempt of mine?

I think I need to create a dedicated group of learners, peeps who are similarly situated and wish to learn basic mechanics/techniques to improve their rank amongst the gods.