Game is Completely unplayable against Zerg as Protoss

Would love to see some replays on how Protoss are supposed to beat zerg, it’s completely unplayable at the moment. Lurkers tear through your ground army and Corruptors/Hydra’s remove any air threat with Lurkers as cover since they outrange storm and lasers.

Anyone want to post high level replays that are NOT cannon cheese but an actual game?


Protoss is more imba than any race ever has been and there are still people who think Protoss is underpowered. :exploding_head:


I wish I could delete idiots who just come in here and Troll…I asked for replays against Zerg with mass lurkers…not morons who still don’t know how to easily beat toss

Terran can mule spam and keep sending in Mass marines over and over and over and over again because you just CAN NOT keep up with the income and all it takes is 1 widow mine drop in the mineral line.

As for Zerg, it’s in EVERY replay…their economy just shiitz all over Protoss and Lurkers just decimate the ground army.

The game is horribly imbalanced because of the economy issues.

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Forum spammer spreading lies like their next pay check depends on it. Protoss has been favoured by every metric since 2018. Just with the way you write its easy to see you have very low IQ and game understanding. Probably somewhere in gold or platinum. You realize that at higher level, its agreed upon that protoss has economic lead against terran and that its up to terran to do damage in the mid game or lose to broken APEtoss late game. For zerg, you are actually below 50 IQ. Just make mass carrier and a-move the zerg. +1 attack carriers will destroy hydra and corruptors. Its amazing that someone can be stuck in gold with the easiest race in the game. :exploding_head:

Your gold league meta doesnt matter. How do you explain protoss makes up for 45% of grandmaster ladder?


Like an hour in and we’ve got 2 forum trolls hopping on this thread. Just give this guy a replay of a Protoss beating Zerg’s lurkers or corruptors. He’s not asking for much

In PvT they have the economic lead that is basically insurmountable if the Protoss plays properly. Even throwing away dozens of free gateway units they can still be in the game. I remember Ty vs Parting in Code S. What a massive difference in skill level. PartinG just a-clicked free units into Ty over and over again yet Ty was always somehow still behind despite all the free stuff donated to him.

In PvZ the protoss are behind in every way from income to upgrades to supply and still slaughter the zerg in battles with a-click micro and maybe a couple forcefields if you are lucky enough to witness a protoss with the cognitive ability to do it. I saw leenock stream yesterday and he faced vs a 6.9k mmr Protoss. The Protoss lost all his workers at his third to a few banelings. We’re talking like 25 workers. Then he a-clicked his voids and won. The constant queen production couldn’t make enough to win the fight even with banked transfuses. The lost workers didn’t put a dent into the void ray production (cost increase nerf incoming).


Not more imba than Z,overall they were the race with most strong things,winfestors+gglords,banelings,hydeslisks,ravagers,ultralisks,nydus,swarmhost…practically every Z unit was really strong at some point in the game.

What do you mean by “high level”?

High level is 70 apm protoss with half his army attacking the building. Nice controls f-ing apetoss. Glad u jump on another race. You are the new :clown_face: tho I detect it from your first bs

Watch just about any tournament game. Because protoss wins almost all of them. (That’s not an exaggeration, they literally win almost all of them.)

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PvZ is at 58% in favor of Protoss on the Pro level. Just do what the pros do: Mass air, HT, Archon. Also huge investments in Shield Batteries and Cannons to stop 100% of runby potential.

If you’re regularly losing to Zerg with a 10% advantage from just clicking Protoss you need some serious help. I can only imagine how you would feel playing Zerg or Terran where you have no advantages.

I swear not a single anti-Protoss troll around here knows how to read. Just give this guy a replay or two and he’ll have no choice but to take it. Bunch of clowns here screaming false claims and insults like a clan of monkeys in the forest.



What CollegeWings said.

Just a bunch of idiot children posting.

Also I can show a million recent replays of Pro Protoss players getting dominated easily. Cheesing was the only way to win. If it goes late game, it’s GG against Zerg and GG if Terran spams EMP.

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Protoss at your level seem to struggle against zerg.

Here’s a game where the protoss won without cannon rushing:

The protoss did a terrible opener, took a super late third, turtled up into skytoss–went hard into phoenix the moment he saw mutas, then just added in colossus and a-moved to victory.


Here is a perfect replay on a Best of 3 of PartinG vs Serral done a few hours ago:

Absolutely demolishes him late game for 1st win.

Second game PartinG tries to cheese as he knows he stands no chance whatsoever against Zerg and screws up…GG

You’re telling me, that Parting, the cheesy blink stalker all-in most games Protoss, cheesed? This is a substantial breakthrough. Have you reported this to the associated press yet?! Hurry! There is little time to waste for this is the discovery of the century! A cheesy player cheesed…this could prove everything you’ve ever wanted to prove. A cheesy protoss cheesing when they lost against the highest ranked player in the entire world. I mean, really, what a genius you must be.

What a piece of work is Gandhi-1276, How noble in reason, how infinite in faculty, In form and moving how express and admirable, In action how like an Angel, In apprehension how like a god, The beauty of the world, The paragon of animals.

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but it’s from 2019.

but usually the easiest answer is sky toss.
With 10>Lurker just overrun with archon/immortal.
With 10<Lurker poke with Disruptor.

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You didn’t come here to look for solutions, you came here to cry and to complain. Thanks for this cherry-picked video of possibly the best late-game-zerg vs a quite a cheesy toss. Serral has an absolutely killer ZvP winrate (I think it was around 80%), so yeah, let’s use him as an example. It will make you feel better in your diamond league, huh?

Here is an advice: listen to what Harstem says at 12:34. You probably missed that, didn’t you…
Here is another advice: there are more than enough videos (even VERY recent ones) of GSL. So stop crying and go to check them out. One might assume that a dude with almost 9k matches will do that, but one might be wrong.

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The thing that should be upsetting people isn’t that PartinG lost, but that he was able to drag the game out so long.

Failed adept timing.
Failed mass void harass.
Delayed third base.
Multiple base denies.
Behind in upgrades in late game.
Several losing bad engagements, in excess of 13k resources lost in favor of Serral.

But because he can turtle behind cannons and skytoss till max out, and zerg can’t kill him even though if the equivalent mistakes came out of Serral he’d be dead in 5 mins.

Or as Harstem put it:
“A very one-sided affair in which every single fight that Serral ever engaged in got won. Fantastic game here, a zerg masterclass in game number 1.”