Freeloser problem

One would say: “wow what a gentleman”, when somebody leaves a ladder 1n1 game instantly when it begins.
It starts to happen daily, and then many times a day. Resulting that around 30% of your wins are basicially no-effort wins.
Why is it a problem?
Now imagine completely beginner (bronse class) player play ladder. He rarely makes right units and is slow to learn. Now these freeloser-bot players boost up him tho in away that eventually his mmr is higher than it should be resulting that he never plays a game vs players similar to his own level.
What makes this matter worse, the freeloser are only in low tier 3 gold league solo players. Well quess what I am victims of free lose bots in a way that my initial mmr level never met my skill level but result in “float” mmr where it doesnt decrease enought due ever 3th game freelose when I play really bad and should lose all of my games…

This really bothers me greatly. How does people figure out to pis me off even on ladders and stuf?

The issue is deeply described, with some decent explanations in here, if you would like to know more:

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Well thanks but it doesnt still help me with this issue. I get frustrated to play vs good players who make good and fast rushes meanwhile I should be playing silver league or bronse.

I today played 5 games and everytime player play vs me he was much better than me beating me up and i was undefenceles. Everytime a player beated me next game was freeloser putting my mmr back to zero resulting that the next match was excactly vs same skilled player than the first one.

It actually makes me unable to learn this game because best way would be to play players who have similar skill level than I have with slow game speed. (no i dont want to play vs bots).

It frustrates the hell out of me.

The only reason I would ever play PlayerVsPlayer (I feel just writing PvP could be confusing here) would be for achievements and other little things like that.
I wonder if the phenomenon described here would be more good or bad regarding that :thinking:

Well it’s a frustrating issue ; I completely understand you here.

There are three ways of dealing with this :

  1. Ignoring them and proceeding to rank up up to diamond 1.
  2. Learning to recognize them, and then betting your game on tactics.
  3. Gathering your feedback into a visible place, in the hope the developers will see it and take action to correct this mess.

We can help you for all three options, but aside than that, not much that can be done. By yourself, you can’t prevent a selfish player from playing selfishly. Unless the system is tweaked, they are free to play the game in a way as cancer as they wish it to, I’m afraid. :neutral_face:

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its definitely a problem in games like this that have a niche hardcore community and have also been out for a decade and are totally figured out. back in early wol bronze league was a totally different place than it is now.