Feedback Cyclone Lock on buildings automatically


from alot of playing and watching some replays as well as reading alot in forums,

Feedback Cyclone Lock on buildings automatically

SIMILIAR TO THE ZERG (who has so much utility) the very Baneling has the option of
Enabling Building Attack or not (with a very good building attack that is)

The Cyclone should have this option too…
I understand it is off by default so that the ability is not “wasted” on buildings ( a tactic many players use to help their army)
But the player should choose to let the ability go off on buildings too… And by the way yes I know how to press the hotkey and do it myself :stuck_out_tongue:

A part from fairness, playability, and improving sc2’s luxury why is this important?
Well what about your units patrolling your base and one of them happens to be the cyclone (which cost supply by the way!) and the Zerg decides to put a Nydus into your face?
The cyclone won’t attack it! Unless you consider the autoattack an actual attack.

The Cyclone only auto locks on THREATS - some buildings belong to this: any Defensive Buildings like Cannons.

Another option for this very reason is a dedicated one:
Put Nydus to the List of defensive Buildings, that way it is automatically targeted by units as a THREAT-priority similiar to spine crawlers.

This is again fair, since Terran got a similiar nerf: scvs being considered a Threat when repairing!

So why not give an offensive building Nydus in your base the THREAT-attribute?

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So you want battlemech to be even easier to control?

No thanks.

Banelings are difficult to control so their situation is not comparable.

Not saying anything of easy,
so it’s not a discussion about battle mech which by the way requires constant apm and micro to be of use…

But a Nydus BEING AN OFFENSIVE / DEFENSIVE Building that is clearly considered a THREAD - that was basically the topic which you avoid. And I think you can agree with it…!

Thus a thread should be - to your dislike as a zerg - treated as a thread and be targeted…

Not really necessary, rapid fire is enough to quickly take down buildings. However, could be useful in some base trade scenarios, so you would not be busy targeting the buildings while your opponent is just a-moved in your base.

So you want battlemech to be even easier to control?

Only someone who never played battle mech can say such a trash.

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I know the topic is made for the auto toggle - like baneling,

but the new state of idea is (from comments) to just treat the Nydus as Thread - anyways to let the cyclone auto target threads that is actually a thread. thanks fo rthe answer though.

Only someone who only plays mech could say such trash

Is not a good comparison because banes are a kamikaze unit. If you want this you’ll have to learn how to micro cyclones without the auto cast.

Yes yes,#

but the topic evolved into a different direction.

It is now only about the Nydus, which SHOULD BE CONSIDERED AS A THREAT - building infront of your nose up (in your base), a unit should use it’s threat-abilities (and treat it as a spine crawler)! (!!!)