Fair Terran Buff

Medivacs now heal Marauders and Hellbats at the same rate as marines but consume more energy per second.

Much better would be:

Nerf colossus, nerf storms, nerf zealots, nerf various protoss cheeses, nerf force fields (not really, protoss just a-move these days vs terran and win, so why even use them?) nerf immortal archon, nerf carriers, nerf vipers (every ability is OP but especially blinding cloud and the harpoon), nerf swarmhosts, nerf neural parasite, nerf zerg eco.

They already are healed at the same rate (12,6 HP/s). And so it already takes more energy to heal units who had/lost more HP.

Now even if you were trying to suggest a proportional reference (20% marauder HP at the same speed than 20% of the marine), even if the devs were willing to adjust the balance, and even if they wouldn’t merely adjust only glaring imbalances ; that buff wouldn’t ease significantly bio play (since marines remain glass canons), but could make already strong hellbat timings even stronger (broken ?) in TvZ. So I wouldn’t see it as beneficial for the game overall. :thinking:


Lol so anything that remotely counters the precious MMM. If you need all of that to win, your the problem. Even If all that was nerfed everyone knows the Toxic Terran Troop would still whine. It is their nature

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