Eradicator shooting with his ar*e! (bug?)

Most of maps bonuses are easier taken with larger and stronger units which is pretty obvious. But on Evacuation bonus with killing 2 robots works… I don’t understand how.

  • This was supposed to work as campaign boss who shows you where he gonna shoot and you must over-micro him, right? But robot with railgun has HUGE damage area, you almost can’t step away from his fire trajectory, it’s wider than shown! So the shown trail doesn’t give you advantage, it doesn’t work.
  • Somehow! his damage against large units is much higher. Robot is easily killed with low losses by just marines. But you can loose entire Tychus squad or half of tyranozors there. Dat robot has +500 damage vs large or what?
  • But this is not the worst thing. Yeah, he can stupidly kill you by backfiring. It shows no trails behind him, you think you can just go behind and kill him. And then you die… Because of what? I still didn’t get that.

It’s not like I have big problems with this bonus, I mostly use calldowns on it and they easily overwhelm. But I just want to understand what is happening and how this works.


Railgun is so op vs larger units because the shots overlap and cut through them, especially melee units.


The Eradicators on Miner Evacuation ARE very difficult. I recommend overwhelming force through ultimates, and make it short and quick.

For example, I one-trick Tychus, so that is definitely the time I get him in the Odin and immediately drop the Nuke that comes with the Odin. Because of the Odin’s damage, I am usually able to mop up both Eradicators before the Odin dies. I will admit that I often lose Outlaws on this bonus.

So, if you have a trump-card ultimate such as the Odin or Fleet Maneuvers or the Hyperion, in my opinion this is one of the best spots on any map to use it.

No, they not. As I already said you must just use free calldown units or orbital stuff. For example Dehaka’s Murvar tares them apart without even watching her.
I just disagree with cheating - robot shows you he gonna shoot forward and then he shoots with his ar*e and you don’t even know why this happened. 100% sure this is not intended.


Some people don’t have free units, though. I play Tychus, for example. The closest thing to free units are Warhound Turrets, and I don’t think they can pump out such artillery.

What’s wrong with you? You already named Odin, this is a free unit.

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I am not sure what’s wrong with me, but you are very rude. Bye.


What a way to ask people how Eradicator works.

OP: “I want to know how they work. If you use calldowns it’s cheating, even though I use them to deal with this bonus”

Reply: “Well, you could just continue to use calldown. For example I use x to deal with them.”

OP: “Gaaaaahhhh, that’s cheating! I want to know how to deal with them without calldowns. What is wrong with you?!?”

Lol, think I got the point across.

If you want an easier time to deal with Eradicators “without calldown/abilities” then try this:

  1. Kill the ground-attack railgun Eradicator first, as the elimination of the air-capable centre-circular-pattern one causes the other to hold their corner more often.
  2. Since said Eradicator does massive damage against ground, try some air units for a free kill hmm?
  3. Try to deal quick burst damage, again as eliminating any one of the Eradicators will cause Cyclones to spawn (5+ x Lock-on isn’t very forgiving for any one, especially hero or hero-esque units).
  4. If you so very much want to use ground force only, then learn to micro. And no I totally disagree that “they shoot at areas not indicated”. Based on my experience, this is just you (the player) not paying attention to the rotation in which the indicators laid out. This is somewhat understandable since they often overlay.

But seriously, I’ve seen you post before, and it appears English isn’t likely your first language. Nevertheless there is no need to react the way you did. That will only get you more snarky comments (like the first half of my post lol), which derails and deters any further helpful comments.


Can’t you just disable them with Sam?

Or if you use air units kill center one first after that only spawned cyclones are a threat (and since railgun Eradicator stops moving you can just position your units so they can’t get to you). I almost never engage Eradicators with ground army.

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I think you’re right that explosive charges – especially upgraded explosion charges – can do the job. The reason that I usually use the Odin and its nuke is because of the immense firepower and health the Odin has. Sam can do tons of damage, but he’s got to dodge the Eradicators’ various attacks without being killed. I feel more confident just plopping down something that can outgun the things.

The railgun shots warning map is definitely wrong, From what I understand it also hit everything within a 5-range radius or something (you can only safely hit it on the ground when it is on the top right corner with long ranged units like dragoons), but this important dead zone is not properly shown.

Using normal disengage method with ground, you kill the middle bot first and stay outside target range of the railgun, then dodge the red lines, and engage it during railgun cooldown. This can only be done with a tiny deathball.

Usually I will just kill both bots using shield overcharge (with full mastery) ignoring enemy fire. Tempests is way better at killing the bots without using a calldown but they are quite useless for the mission itself so not ideal, if I’m stuck with only dragoons with calldown unavailable I will stay outside and wait until the bot move to the top right corner and engage from outside that court area (the railgun can only be aimed inside the triangular court area that bot patrol around), it is slow but cost the least amount of resources to do it. Remember that the railgun will still hit anything within range 5 so you got to be careful not to move too close when it is firing.

good thing, i always prioritise Reavers and they can burst any ground to pieces

I usually open with pure mass dragoon and tech to HT once the expo is up. When the bonus objectives come up I usually have 30 or more dragoons.

I like HT better because they can destroy everything amon throw at you that the dragoons can’t handle with ease, infested marines, banshees, zerglings, you name it. Dragoons with shields upgrades and combat regen are really good at tanking, where storms will even heal shields. Normally I can solo this mission with afk ally on brutal if I can keep focus.

A lot of people stay too close to the railgun Eradicator. I am not sure if “5 radius” is accurate at all but there is definitely a small splash damage just around/near this Eradicator. It is likely the warning is covered by its massive unit model - do not stay close to it when it fires.

This behaviour is best observed with Kerrigan. You can Strike onto the Eradicator, and as it fires off the railgun Kerrigan will take massive damage accordingly - even if say she is ‘behind’ the Eradicator.

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The sense of this topic - I think eradicator is buged. It’s mostly a report for Bliz.

Then use the Bug Report forum.


The area is very large and very obvious when you attack it with mass dragoons, as the units inside that kill zone will be killed in one hit that trigger guardian shield, or lose the overcharged shields in 1 or 2 hits depend on mastery (shielding 200~380 damage). There should be a red circle showing this effect area.

Guess I am a cheater cuz always kill them with Apo + Aleks one each and easily.

But also it is easy w/o moving a finger with Alarak, just send a wprism and overcharge it. It is ridiculously easy.

I actually struggle more with Blightbringer and prefer my ally to take care of it especially when I am Stukov.

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Actually I meant cheater is the robot.

Sam’s grenade kills it in 2 shots. Dehaka’s calldowns corner him. Stukov’s queens parasite him OPly. Nova’s ghosts and tank mines overwhelm him. Any massive units make him gg very easy.

Sam’s grenade kills it in 2 shots. Dehaka’s calldowns corner him. Stukov’s queens parasite him OPly. Nova’s ghosts and tank mines overwhelm him. Any massive units make him gg very easy.

Yes I can kill Blightbringer too. The thing is, with Stukov I always go full air, ibanshees, ilibs + bqueens. And he shoots that annoying parasitic bomb that damage my units heavily.

And Apo + Aleks are timed, one is enough to kill it but he burrows and they just fate. With other commanders I don’t care.

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