Emojis (numbers) 1-50

I use the emojis when i write my friends… I also made it to level 50 with all the races… can we use numbers 1-50 in the chat soon the same way we can use (gg) and (flex) ???

I have a diamond account from season 1, and I was rank 1 in my division when I played more and lost the rating because of trying to get promoted… I didnt earn the feat of strength / achievement for having rating 1 in my division at the end of the season… then Hots was released and I quit until the other campaign was released as well… it has been out for 6 years and I have decent enough rating again to do whatever I want as far as using the end-key to watch myself play differently and split my workers without being singled out for playing too good … maybe me and my clan <50 clan> can help design the numbers please contact us if that is possible we like to do arcade every night…