Does anyone else think Zerg is a bit overpowered?

In terms of available aesthetic skins. Lets be honest. Zerg have got some of the best quality skins. Most players other races are probably envious of Zerg for this reason alone.

Terrans. A few darker looking skins and an entire skin litterally has junk in its name.

Protoss. A few edgy taldarim skins and one amon skin, but laughable compared to cerberus skins.


I disagree, Zerg has the worst skins, most of them ar unrecognizable from one another, and the two that aren’t break the whole biological fantasy of Zerg by making them synthetic or have mechanical more akin to terran. I deeply hate Cerberus and Simulant skins it is just not zergy.

Zerg is not OP anymore, not since they lost Infested Terrans.

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Read the entire post… lol