Did you know how people live in South Korea?

They work 60hours/week. They can’t call themselves by names in job, instead they have to use job titles. They work overtime for free.

Kids in are in school until 4 pm, than go studying some more until 10 pm, than go home and study to 0:30 am. Than they go to sleep. They are exhausted in school and if they feel sleepy, they have to stand in desk at which you stand. And if they fall asleep they get - points and if they reach enough of them they get kicked out.

And yet kids do temp jobs for free and go repair tractors and fences on farms for free etc.

They achieved strong economy, but they have no life and high suicide rates. It is crazy !

They also have low obesity levels, low single parenthood, low crime, and a high life expectancy.

Life is work, stop being lazy.

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Except civilization will go extinct and so the universe, life is pointless and stupid. I can understand people who live their lives and enjoy them, because what else is there. This is just slavery. I don’t know what utopia they are trying to achieve, but it is all pointless, just live your life anything else is stupid…

I heard somewhere tried 4 day work week and productivity increased. When they work basically and do nothing else, no that’s not life.


When you’re forced to grow up and live in a place with high population density everything becomes more competitive and any measure of success is more difficult to attain.

This elevates the level of your average citizen, and the stress in their life as well. The other end being the redneck states in the US, where life is easier and people have subhuman IQ and behavior. As usual, balance is best.

Growing up/being a young adult in Asia looks straight up awful honestly.


At least they also have K-Pop.


I think that was the Japanese branch of Microsoft. Same pay, 8 hours or so a day, four days a week. Happier, well-rested workers with time for personal life are more likely to go the extra mile for the business they work for who treat them well.

I’ve been to Japan several times, but Korea only once.

Korea is a fascinating place. There’s a long history of violence and hardship, especially when you look at the Korean War. That event really galvanised them as a nation - they don’t ever want to be in that position again.

If I compared it to Japan, Korea felt a bit more in your face in a way. In Japan there’s a fair amount of outward tolerance, but in Korea you’re much more likely to be called out for something as a foreigner.

But yeah, just look at how they responded to Covid. Efficient, ruthless and unquestioning about what needed to be done. They did what needed to be done whilst the US dithered, and just watch how that unfolds.

But if all that doesn’t make sense, get yourself a Korean girlfriend for a while. Now that’s an education…


The Tal’darim are the most ruthless of all the protoss kindreds. Korean pro player and pro player are too. But when I ask my Nerazim friends about their culture. They think I should repect their choice. Tal’darim possess a culture that is distinct from their Khalai and Nerazim counterparts, as is their manner of thought.
Their morals and ethics are considered barbaric by their brethren, but their power in battle is undeniable.
As Aiur protoss, I don’t agree Rak’Shir but if they chose it, I respect their choice.

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Yea, on a more terrestrial note i would argue that it has to do with the cultural-ADN that is forged during millenia and separates the Western and Far-Eastern Civilizations.
By God: history has seen cases where those Cultural-ADN’s were manifested without a geographical distance. Just consider Sparta and Athens in Ancient Grece.
Your (our) Tal’darim friends are …the Spartans.

The problem with k-pop are the people who like k-pop. Seriously, what a rancid, venomous group of people in general.

Plus k-pop is just the Korean version of the Backstreet Boys and N-Sync.

You’re talking a side of the world that was hit much harder by sars and is quite experienced and aware of the threat.

What you describe is Japan being much more worldly and accepting and koreans having greater blatant racism running rampant. But you chose to word it rather nicely lol.

Then kill yourself. The whole point of civilization is to fight eternally to bring Order, against the Chaos of Nature.

The Tal’darim are the only Protoss that actually matter at this point in the storyline, and the only ones that have any sort of population density.

I don’t have much time to deal Tal’darim internal affairs. I need Tal’darim friends. But sometimes they are really disgusting.Very…Very Disgusting!
Aiur needs me. Xel’naga will help them.

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Meanwhile in some countries in Europe, the average work journey per week is 30 hours/week, and they have equal or higher life quality than South Korea

Working as a slave doesn’t mean better economy

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japan is my favorite asian country. They are the chillest group of them all and don’t have galatic sized egos while not being able to speak any other word other than hello in english. they also don’t go around being racist to any other country thats not theirs, something the chinese and koreans would never be able to accomplish