Dear Blizzard: Use Decal As Spray Still Not Working

Hey everyone,

I posted this a couple times before and hopefully I’m not barking mad. This started right after the Prestige patch launched. I know it’s low priority, but can you please fix this Blizzard?

I have Use Decal As Spray ON and my Decals are:

Zerg - Predator
Terran - Marshall
Protoss - Adept

But for some reason in Co-Op when I choose Raynor, he sprays a Terran Splat spray. Every other Commander (Kerrigan, Artanis, Dehaka, Karax, Zagara) ALL spray a pink Marshall spray.

I just want it back to normal so that the worker sprays the correct spray based on what race I am!

Thanks so much for everything and take care all… cheers!

The “use decal as spray” was NOT made for co-op I think.
Why it work the way it does (showing raynor raider spray for terran + for all non-decal spray in more or less glitched colors) is unknown, but it may be impossible to make it work for whoever still work on it. Not sure if they could even just disable any effect from it.

Not sure what happened. It worked perfectly fine before the Prestige patch though.