Criticize for using too many Energizer

Have any one encounter the situation where you get told because of using about 40-50 supply worth of energizer ?
I was playing as a Lv 7 Karax and massing energizer with sentinel supp with a Raynor player and yet I get criticize for using “too many” energizer, eventhough we are facing mechanic comp
Are there still player that didn’t know the most OP unit in Karax arsenal is energizer, especially when facing mech/air comp of any kind ?

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Can’t say that I have but mostly because I don’t mass Energizers without at least 2x sentinel or equivalent mass combat units (such as Immortals). Even then, it’s rarer for me mostly cuz I like a more push-power army.

How relevant this guy’s criticism is would depend on how well you used your mass Energizers, I suppose. There’s nothing inherently wrong with this strategy. It’s totally viable and appropriate against Mech comp.

I’d be interested in watching the replay if you got one?


Lots of people that play co op dont understand how other CO’s work. Mass Energizer/Sentinel vs Mech comps is a very good comp especially vs Capital ships like Carriers and Battlecruisers.

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Haha, no not had that, though it’s been a while since I did mass energizer. I’ve had plenty of the opposite, but was surprised even on B+1 to get an idef Karax who didn’t want to do any energizers.

well if you’re pulling your own weight and using them effectively I won’t stop you from getting 200 supply of those. Some people are just nitpickers.

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It sounds like you’re majority to mostly support role at this point. That is what Karax is great at… support. He can also make units and push to take objectives (I’ve seen a Karax player push as if he were Artanis! I do have to acknowledge that he probably had full mastery pts in unit discounts, before his upgrade to “Karax 2.0”), but he’s got a lot of hats he can put on for support. In some cases, he’s better off focusing on that, rather than half assing support and pushing if he’s with an ally who’s already got the latter part down.

As for mass Energizers, you have Sentinels for support. It’s VERY FUN to do mass MC/Reclamation. Hell, people have tried this in BW games with mass DA.

If I’m short on gas, I’ll gravitate towards Sentinels anyways. However, they are cost effective as meat shields, so I’d much rather lose them then any other unit.

I’m sometimes getting close to maxing out on energizers when facing mech comps and nobody told me anything so far.

I consider mass energizer a strategy that is more on the meme side, but regular brutal is easy enough that you can get away with such things and I won’t be the one to criticize going for meme strategies, and I wouldn’t mind what allies in the random queue say, you can encounter all kinds of stupid out there, just move along.

did you tell him he has too few Orbitals? Because that’s probably true for pub Raynors lul

it’s pub/B0. who cares.


Sounds like that other player needed to focus on his own commander and not worry about what you were doing.

the number of people that jump in front of my mines when I play aba makes me sadface

if you were winning, idk what the problem would have been, unless you were making your teammate do all of the work.