Counter Mass Carrier

All you need to know is:

*It is NOT vikings that counter carriers, its battlecruisers. You need a ridiculous number of vikings to counter mass carriers. Too hard.

*Do not target fire the carriers. Instead, let the BCs kill all the interceptors first, which they do very effectively. Then chase down & kill the defenseless carriers afterwards, & yamato their asses.

Obviously, 1-2 BCs is not going to counter 10 carriers. However, if the numbers are approximately even, BCs will destroy carriers.

Make sure you scout/scan to see what they are doing to catch it early. If you see them going starport & carrier then start building as many BCs as you can.

Mine/thor/lib is a decent supreme late-game comp, mines+splash mode thors insta-clears interceptors, then turn your thors to single-target mode and kill all the carriers. Meanwhiles, libs and maybe some hellbats protects the thors from the ground army


Not really the answer, marines are too fragile and short-range. A couple of good storms destroy the whole maine army. That’s why you need more robust units like thors or BCs.

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Mass thors or mass BC nothing else beats carriers, if u play bio and u let the toss to get carriers, make 4 factory thor production or mass BC from 3-4 starports, nothing else

libs are good against carriers

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if u scan and see like 7 carriers and u got 0 BC’s you lose…next game

a few carriers can be countered by marines or vikings

large numbers you NEED bc’s tho or u will lose

I think mass marine with ghost support can do the job, keep medivac count low, so your army is massive. I have a replay if anyone wants.

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I know there’s a lot of replies. Many solutions, but the most valid will always be having fat macro bio with upgrades. Stim marines will just empty the skies of interceptors, while also being cheap and useful everywhere else too. Yes in sub diamond play the game is on a different pace and BC vs. Carrier monobattle might be the solution for a gold terran to counter the gold protoss, but your goal should be to be a platinum, diamond, masters etc. Terran, where you view Protoss going for mass carrier as an easy win.

Go for Vikings. Mass Vikings. Snipe the carriers individually and run away. If you’re ever worried about whether Vikings are the right play or not… remember… ‘fortune favors the bold.’

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There are many ways to go about this:

  • Thors (single attack mode) out range carriers and eat them pretty fast.
  • Vikings will out range carriers as well, but since they are paper you need to hit and run.
  • Rines because they are really cheap and they scale well into the late game.
  • Mines to focus on eliminating as many interceptors as possible (don’t waste time running under the carriers if you have nothing tanking while they do so).

(Ravens are a good bonus to dps but not a must.)

The key thing is to identify whether you are:

1. Going for the carriers - This is usually the case since it effectively removes not just the carrier but also 8 interceptors per kill. However, carriers tend to be tanky and for Rines / Mines, you may lose too many units before you get in range of them.

2. Going for the interceptors - This is actually a viable option if the opponent is suspected to be running low on resources. Intercepters require minerals to replace and it will be eating into a huge chunk of their bank. Furthermore, note that in the time to build 8 interceptors, a P can essentially chrono boost 2 carriers out. That is how long it takes to replace dead interceptors. Plus, you won’t need to run too close to the carriers. Though note that it is more a delaying tactic while you overwhelm with units / starve them out since the carrier doesn’t die.

On the whole, you should be pressurising the P with drops and hits to prevent them from reaching this point or at least delaying it as much as possible. P has low mobility generally and tend to have difficulty defending more than 3 bases against a bio setup. So it can be a drop in the main (to be sacrificed) while you snipe their 3rd / 4th for e.g… Know that a mass carrier P need 3 bases at least in order to be stable.

Mass vikings with tons of micro. If you get 12+ vikings you can snipe a slow moving carrier with each fly in.

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BC’s get owned by the toss all they will do is build tempest and void rays end of the BC’s

Er, I’d classify the player tiers into a simplified form:

  1. Sim City Builder - The lowest of all. They basically spend most of their time building (or reading the descriptions). They build a small army but tend to lose to rush most of the time.
  2. A-Move Player - These people find the top tier units and just try to mass that 1 particular unit before A-Moving with hopes that the AI will take care of all the enemies for you.
  3. Counter-Play / Minor Micro - These people learn about the meta regarding which unit counters which unit, and occasionally exhibit certain degrees of micro. They know about strategising and also unit / building placements.
  4. Decent Players - Those that are above average, who does the same as (3) but just do it better.
  5. Pros - Those that we spend time watching them play their games where 200+ apms are the norm, and a medivac flying past an overlord will be spotted 99% of the time.

The player that you are describing belongs under (2). Because massing 1 specific unit will always leave you open to a counter unit. That is why you should always mix up with 2-3 units (and preferably a support caster) for a more all rounded unit composition.

Mass BCs is a hard counter to mass carriers.

Two yamotos kill 1 carrier. So in say 8 v 8 BC vs. Carrier, yamato 2x on four carriers immediately. Then, DO NOT target fire the carriers, but use the BCs to kill the interceptors, and then kill the Carriers afterwards.

BCs also have an offensive advantage over carriers because they can teleport, whereas carriers are very slow. What you want to do is figure out where the carriers are, and then fly (rather than teleport) your BCs over to attack a base far away from them. If they don’t have recall, you’ll clean out a base before they arrive, and when they arrive, you have the option to teleport to another base of theirs as the other side of the map.

If they do have recall, you can teleport to a base on the other side of the map and hit that (after they warp in stalkers etc also). By the time the P army arrives you will have killed a base and a bunch of SCVs. Then have the fight straight up, Yamatoing immediately at beginning of fight and then killing interceptors, and then try to remax BCs faster than P, which you’ll be able to if you’ve inflicted economic damage. Rinse and repeat.

Make sure you prioritise upgrades (air offensive and defensive), have yamato, and build 1 starport for every base. When you’re maxed out and racking up minerals, build more starports - get to 6-7 if you can afford it, so you can quickly remax.

Mass carriers is no harder to deal with than mass BCs.

libs,vkings and thors are good

bcs need alot of minerals and gas

bcs cost more then a carrier

Mass max upgraded liberators counter carriers, same could be said with BCs but I prefer liberators because of their AOE. Try it in the unit tester :slight_smile: Basically what will happen is that the carriers will launch their interceptors and now you have 2 options.

1: Kill the interceptors


2: Kill the carriers.

Both could work but I’m not sure. if they have too much carriers, I recommend focusing carriers. If they add tempests, you can add marines or vikings :slight_smile: If they add voidrays, marines or vikings as I said before. Thank you for listening to my ted-talk. Just a side-note, if they have HT for storms, or they have archons, have some ghosts in the mix to EMP the shields and energy. Anyways, GL HF :heart: :smiley: Have fun :slight_smile:

Vikings? God awful against other stuff, slow firing rate and on top they’re incredibly weak to AoE.

BCs? Your opponent will go void ray.

Marines? You can only kill the interceptors and you will get destroyed by colossus.

There. Is. No. Counter.

14k views on a carrier thread for TvP. Christ.

If you’re playing bio, just opt for sky upgrades for liberators to handle interceptors. Then as others point out, BC or Thors can help, but you need to get all your mech upgrades before you start fighting into carrier.