Could the next game destroy the current governments please?

I mean I gotta give Zag credit with her blatant showcase of blue and orange morality.

She pities Humans for being alone on the inside, so she wants to help them by killing and assimilating them.

Ain’t that sweet?


Having capacity for individuals as characters isn’t the same as making them more human. They can still have completely alien motives and values while being capable of thinking as individuals.

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Yeah but now we’re taking their alien qualities away, such as the hive mind link.

EDIT: By that I meant the hive mind link that made the swarm a true gestalt like Geth from Mass Effect, not just a link for relaying orders.

You still owe me few answers.

They still have that though, they just aren’t psychically compelled to serve Zagara.

I think Starcraft is not appropriate for those sorts of stories at this point. Blizz couldn’t stay thematically consistent from day one, and few of the fans seem interested in zerg (or protoss for that matter) that are appropriately alien.

If you guys are interested, then I am always happy to collaborate on an original setting that explores a SC-esque premise in a more consistent direction. I don’t mean SC fanfic necessarily, I mean an original universe where we have complete creative freedom (like Atrox or StarFront). I for one have always wanted to explore non-humanoid protoss, cyborg cowboy terrans, and zerg with heroic/horrifying monologues.

The swarm was never like that though.

The Overmind controlled the Cerebrates, the Cerebrates controlled their overlords, the Overlords controlled the broods. As you got higher up the chain the personalities and goals got more complex, but the lower controllers were never true extensions of the rank above them’s personality.

About what?

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You know, its pretty frustrating that you seem determined to talk about anything besides StarCraft on the StarCraft forums. If you want to go make an original work, go do it. Don’t hassle us about how you could do so much better and then just sit here forever grumping about it.


Delete the initial /


Don’t you dare try this sh^t on me and Mar :D.

I don’t care for that either, but you guys at least don’t intrude onto other topics.

So you’re an edgy adult who thinks you’re too cool for stories where the heroes win instead of an edgy teen. What’s your point?

Just because I appreciate brutality in Logan, doesn’t mean I don’t appreciate the emotional side of it.

You are just proving my point of completely misunderstanding what attracts people to “darker” themes.

Damn me, you just heavily implied Shakespeare’s most famous works are edgy.

Bigger portion of Ancient Greece’s cultural legacy as well.

Calling cradle of western civilization edgy by proxy… who is edgy now.

You mean the people who thought their world was governed by all-powerful man-children who slept with everything with a pulse and turned people into monsters for being better at them at crafts where edgy?

Who would have thought.

Of course they were not perfect, but as far as I can tell… if you compare it to other religions, they were at least tolerant and open-minded unlike monotheists.

Also they are the people that started the concept of democracy, invented first modern alphabet, trial by jury, basic principles of medicine to some of which Evidence Based Medicine still adheres.

Those that started with proper maths and physics, those that figured that Earth orbits the Sun and not the other way long before invention of telescope.

I could also mention the Olympics, the dude that conquered big chunk of the world in almost no time or the fact they established philosophy as a science.

But who cares, edgy.

Also, were*. It’s completelyvirrelevant to the discussion, but it sticks out like a sore thumb. Second to last sentence.

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It was… I believe Athena*? Who turned a couple into lions for having sex in one of her temples. And she was one of the more temperate gods. They were only “tolerant and open minded” in the sense that they were indiscriminately awful instead of only targeting their rivals.

*either her or Artemis.

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“Anything goes” is not open mindedness, it’s the total lack of standards.

I meant Greeks. Not their gods.

I am a 3rd gen atheist (that is not a flex, but an explanation), there is no point in discussing the parts of religion that have a little to do with humans with me. I see a point in faith, not religion.

So yes, you are right, but that wasn’t my point.

“the greeks” weren’t all that unified in culture. You might as well say “the Europeans.” Each city state was different, sometimes wildly. Sparta and Athens for example were bitter enemies due to their wild cultural differences.

I do know she turned Medusa into a Gorgon because she fled into her temple when chased by Poseidon before getting r*ped there.

Greek Gods are surprisingly human in their a-holeness