Costs of structures

Marines should have 333hp confirmed. Blizz please!

No, but barracks should cost near 1000 with 1000 HP or cost 150 with near 150 HP .

This could repair some of the broken. The HP should be more proportional to the costs.

Why? Its a building, not a unit. They do totally different things.

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Is more useful to have a factory than just to have the units, because with the factory, units can be created, so the factories are actually cheaper than units and devalued. In real life a factory of cars is pretty much more expensive than a single car, in what proportion? IDK.

I get your point but the scale of buildings vs units in an RTS game like this is purposely unrealistic.

So what? Its a game. It doesnt need to reflect accurately on real life. More importantly, if you make a barracks cost 8000 minerals, then its going to be 10 minutes before you make your first marine.


It will be like 5 minutes just for the first supply depot.

This game have a lot of effects trying to be realistic, the proportion of costs and time and HP are more important than effects because they are needed for the strategy. OK, I donā€™t have all the answers. The HP, time and costs are as important as units and structures abilities; for that I donā€™t want 1:1 proportion of costs and HP.

Such as marines being able to shoot down a starship, or having infinite ammo? Or Thors existing?

As a Zerg I definitely miss the U238 upgrade.

And siege tank research.

Marines being able to shoot down a starship is totally unreal but I can accept it, unlimited ammo too but it can be limited, I figure Thorā€™s are possible real. I think you want me to say itā€™s a game and it is and I think it could be more fair with the way I say.

Yeah, not having to research siege feels a bit busted to me (but donā€™t tell the terran players that), since itā€™s not like we got burrow baseline or anything. Iā€™m pretty sure you can even research tunneling claws and have it be completely wasted if u didnā€™t research burrow. I never did play SC competitively, no more than necessary to get my five stars, and then i played lotr games until my dial up connection failed.

Those were the days.

Why is your way more ā€œfairā€? What problem is this solving?

The rule say that the player who destroy all enemy structures wins!, so a barrack is more important than 3 marines that cost the same. The problem that I see is the incongruity between the value and the cost. This affect the strategy to the point of waste in structures because of thatā€™s the way rules are.

Yeah, but those 3 marines can kill a barracks, but not the reverse.

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Yeah, but if you have 3 marines and no structures, and I have a barracks and no units, who wins?

noone in that scenario since both player are terran so you and kelthar will have a barracks flaoting where no groundbased unit can hit it so itā€™ll end in a draw in that circumstance :smiley:

In chess, how much value the king? The game! Something similar happens with structures.

Well, there is/are structures that attack, or cause AOE damage, upon their destruction. EZ and free damage output with no effort at all on the structure owner to execute. Guess the raceā€¦ :thinking: