Community Update - July 16, 2019

Wow, you so clever. Go send 2 marines to kill a zealot. Chargelots are overperforming in pro games for their cost => nerf

Not being able to cancel buildings early on… Interesting idea. I don’t hate that. I do think cannon rushers need a nerf of SOME KIND, as I have some Master League friends who ONLY know how to cannon, and can be beaten by gold players when that fails. Something seems wrong with that. I don’t want to kill the strategy either.
Here’s another, much more game-changing idea: how about making cannons and shield batteries build slower in low-power pylons (away from Warp Gate / Nexus), as is the case with warp-in units?


I like the slow warp in idea. Doesn’t hinder base defense but hurts cannon rushing

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