Community Update - August 6, 2019

That dude wants to defend his Op Infestor for real


I don’t think it would be good for the game if Zerg was nerfed hard enough that players like Demuslim and Ziggy could consistently beat Serral in the late game… would you? No matter what happens Reynor and Serral will dominate and in Korea it doesn’t matter because Zergs don’t even play late game. Hopefully those changes stop patchtosses like Hurricane and Parting to contend for Blizzcon.

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Good stuff can’t wait!

You do realise the infestor is being nerfed by a huge amount already? I do agree that we could use a nydus nerf, maybe increasing the cost to 75/75 or 100/100 again, but just looking at statistics, protoss and terran are still both favored vs zerg

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Zerg got nerfed hard, so inb4 TvZ winrates rise to 55%-60%

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I agree that Zerg should stay strong late game, but also Protoss needs to be able to be strong at some point in the game. These nerfs make mid-game Toss weaker, which means that it will now potentially be a 50:50 struggle mid-game with late game being dominated by Zerg. The ability for P to win in PvZ will be much harder post patch (although possibly the Infested Terran nerf will help). Also, I was basically just saying that it’s silly to say that Zerg in general out-skills Terran and Toss late game, when in reality it is because of Zerg (and themselves) that they are able to out-skill their opponents.

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True, couldn’t say it any better myself

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I mean Zerg did get nerfed wrt infestors. Post patch Infested Terran won’t be nearly as deadly, since AA will now not ignore armor, and the dps was also reduced. For example, vs 0 upgrade BC’s infested terran will only do 11 damage vs 14 per shot, and vs fully upgraded bcs it will only do 8 per shot. AND the dps in general was dropped from 14.7 to 12.3ish. This does not take into account that the rockets will still scale with upgrades.

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ask any streamer and they will tell you, infestor terran nerf is an “okay” nerf. the idea of a 2 supply unit (and cost less) can takeover/dumpster a 6 supply capital ship is so sb. the nerf didn’t even touch the cord ability, here you are saying it’s a “huge” nerf? lol? let me point it out for you in case you forgot, blizzard cutting Graviton Catapult for carrier IS a huge nerf.

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I am glad the patch didn’t go overboard with the 2 overkill changes they looked overly harsh considering how well balanced the game is at the moment.

No Neural Parasite nerf?
That would be the first thing I would have changed.

Patch seems alright.

Well the infestor nerf is really small, and the overspeed drop is good. If you add to this the chargelots nerf (i think this one is OK as it was supposed to compensate some buffs on hydras that were reverted), and the WP nerf, ZvP will become quite insanely Zerg favored. And ZvP was OK MU, while Zerg have more trouble about Terran.

But nothing justify the terran buffs, if TvP is P favor then it’s only light, and simply with the Protoss nerf, TvP will be T favor, so if you add stim -20s (that’s enormous) + EMP buff (why ? feedback already got nerfed), it will simply create a big imbalance, because what ? Terran whine non stop, while facts don’t make point any huge imbalance…


Can we PLEASE stop buffing stuff that encourages gimmicky and cheesy play? There was nothing wrong with the normal stim timings. Why not direct the gameplay for good well played games?


The infestor nerf was small? It got hit with a 17% slower attack and no longer bypass armor. Minimum id say they lose 30% damage.


Infested Terran attack speed is being nerfed by 20% and their damage against fully upgraded BCs is being nerfed by 43% and 36% against fully upgraded carriers. This is a gigantic nerf.

I feel like the whining from Protoss and Terran players has gotten so bad that Zergs have gotten bullied into agreeing with him.


“Minor nerf”
Gosh dont you know anything?



Yes, my zerglings regenerate hp and I don’t say they have infinite hp

No, they can’t. Infestor without energy is the most useless unit in the game

Under your logic that time does not exist in this game there are many things that would be absurd. A bc can kill a unit with yamato for “free”, does that mean a bc can kill infinite units? It is logical that no. If the game were infinite and the bc never died, maybe it could do it.


Infestors is the most broken unit in the game it literally beat everything when in mass


Yes, of course I once beat a silver massaging workers and mined the whole map “workers beat everything when in mass”

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I meant that Infestors in mass beat every composition

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Workers beat 0 composition even in mass

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