Community Update - August 6, 2019

Removed chargelod nerf. :sweat:
5800-6600 protoss all same :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: (byun said) i think that won’t change.

It seems to be the final patch for 2019 blzcon, GL to all players got enough wcs points.


How about nerfing charge from 8 to 4 in the future? They’re still going to be very very tough to deal with in TvP. The EMP upgrade is too expensive and takes way too long, although I do remain somewhat hopeful about the new builds the stim change could create. Thanks for the changes overall though, definitely a step in the right direction.

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I thought about the same , decreasing the damage from 8 to 4


Except they pussy out on warp in change and it is not even what i was talking about… Problem is economy, if protoss wouldn’t be so ahead warprism would be fine. Do you remember being warprism such an issue in hots NO !!! It is op, because protoss is already ahead, in hots when economy was balance, you would have turret ring, or more units to deal with it and it would hit much later. Every problem in pvt stems from broken economy, protoss is now zerg, he expands before terran, terran has to have expansion in equal time, or 3rd and 4th even little bit sooner to have chance againt tos. In hots terran played to deny protoss 4th base and treat with drops and basetrade when he wanted move out, because protoss army maxed is better and terran cannot fight it, even in hots protoss was favored against terran. Because it always was like this terran is better against zerg protoss against terran and zerg against protoss, which was broken in lotv. I was beating grandmaster zergs in hots , while i was only diamond league, because than game took actually skill for zerg, now terran is worst in all matchups…

Terrans have been telling themselves this for years to delude themselves into thinking they’re better than they actually are.


You mean like how Zerg is to Terran and Protoss?


Wtf i though it will be by the default. Yep that emp gonna do absolutely nothing, before you get that that and you need also cloack and 3 starports and only 0.5 like all infestors gonna be on one place and good zerg leave couple behind his army unhotkeyed…

Did you sleep through entire Archon, Immortal, Chargelot meta that dominates midgame?

1 range is huge as it limiting toss ability to harass economy. Immortals are designed to shred armored units to pieces, so it’s problem only for those who throw roaches on them in a narrow passage.

Lol. Saying this equals to say that there’s no time in the game and therefore timings for attack and units are produced instantly. IT requires Infestor to occupy control of 2 for 32 seconds and not spend energy anywhere else. This is cost.

For sure. because it’s toss who needs to build bunker to not die from starting stalkers. it’s toss who need to harass enemy’s economy cuz otherwise terran will come 3 mins later and kill him with Chargelot, Archon, Immortal.


I think you’re both kinda right about the “free”-ness of infested terrans. Infested terrans are free units in that they don’t cost any resources, but if you instead look at them as a killable long duration spell in the way that Eirhead is, they’re also definitely not free in that regard, since they’re effectively just being used as an alternative to the other spells that an infestor has, which are good in their own ways.

In an economical sense, something is only free if it doesn’t use a resource, or if it uses a resource that nothing else does, and infested terrans definitely don’t match that description. There is still a definite issue there, which is borne from the fact that the energy of an infestor is a less valuable resource than minerals or gas, which are used for much more things. But I also think that Eirhead is wrong in comparing them to storm, since the duration of an infested terran’s existence is much longer than the duration of a storm, and storms are also stationary, and can’t move around like infested terrans can, considering that infested terrans are units, and storms are not.

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As a zerg i find these protoss nerfs way too big. GSL is 12 Protoss and 12 Terrans, it looks already nearly balanced.

If changes need to be made, they must be small. These are not, they’ll make protoss unable to compete at pro level.


Final Changes

  • Stimpack upgrade research duration decreased from 121 seconds to 100 seconds.
  • New upgrade: Enhanced Shockwaves: Increases the radius of the Ghost’s EMP Round from 1.5 to 2. Cost: 150/150. Research time: 79 seconds.


  • Overlord/Overseer Pneumatized Carapace upgrade research cost decreased from 100/100 to 75/75.
  • Infested Terran Infested Rockets weapon cooldown increased from 0.95 to 1.14.
  • Bugfix: Infested Terran Infested Rockets weapon will no longer ignore armor.


  • Warp Prism cost increased from 200 minerals to 250 minerals.
  • Warp Prism pick up range decreased from 6 to 5.
  • Carrier Interceptor build time decreased from 11 seconds to 9 seconds.
  • Nexus Strategic Recall cooldown increased from 85 to 130 seconds.

Though I’m still a bit surprised it was even considered to let infested terrans not being bufixed (thus having a free unit as the best lategame aa), I think that the final set of changes is solid, with WP nerfs nerfing more protoss 2 to 1B allins, recall becoming a more committing choice, and infested terrans scaling again with regular units.

Just a couple of additional thoughts though :
— Having free units outperform regular units to the point of making a protoss deathball flee seems like bad design to me. Locusts, infested terrans and autoturrets should be redesigned to be strong against workers, or a good cannon fodder, but by no means outgun regular costly units. 'cause summer sales do end, if you see what I mean. =p
— Nydus unloading speed seems extremely high compared to others transportation devices.

As for the rest, I’d be glad to see your changes go live. GL HF !


Zergs dominate the late game because it’s the most powerful race in late game. Protoss and terrans have to prevent zerg swarm to develop during all the game and so, they take all the risks, whereas zerg “only” need to extend, make bases, manage macro and defend. In the end, when you have 5 bases, 2000 in bank, you can A click you opponent, don’t care of it, you will have 200 pop again in less than 1 min.


What’s the big deal about building a bunker? Protoss has to have a perfect wall off against Zerg or else Protoss loses to the starting lings. That doesn’t mean that Protoss is not favored in PvZ…which is the main reason Protoss midgame is getting nerfed to begin with.

Again - so what if Terran needs to harass Protoss (this is not always the case by the way - Terran greatly benefits from harass but there are economic styles that Pro terrans use too)? That is a trait of the race - deal with it. We have the best harassment capabilities in the game, by far, for a reason. Not to mention that our harassment options dont come at a higher tech opportunity cost like Protoss’ do.

No terran worth his salt is afraid of immortal archon chargelot LOL. Unless youre like an Avilo terran that calls himself a “mech player” and think you can just turtle with tanks and get away with it.

I don’t know where this mindset that the ability to do tons of damage in the midgame = disadvantage comes from. I suspect it’s just due to lazy players who don’t want to improve and/or take advantage of their races traits.

If you want a race that spends the early to mid game defending and reacting, simply because they can barely harass and execute powerful timings, switch to zerg and see how much you like it.


I honestly don’t understand how:
+50 minerals to WP cost (which is a few seconds of mining)
-1 pickup range and (which is still +2 in comparison to ovie and medivac afaik)
-25 gas ovie speed (which will still complete a bit later than we would need it)

are supposed to help my diamond a$$ zerg in midgame ZvP against the pushes.

It is not Protoss units per se, it is the design that is broken (of many things, not only of Protoss, but that’s the most glaring). I don’t really think you will ever fix it, but a man can hope.


And 8 Zergs…


Gold league game knowledge right here


yeah, with the exception of that 8 zergs. oh wait. that doesn’t fit the narrative.


Oh cool, no nerf to the Protoss a-click time to invent some new allins boys.


For some reason the rules are always different for Zerg. Zerg can go winless in the GSL for 5 years and it’s not an issue. Least represented race in the GSL consistently for years in LOTV? Not an issue. Zerg disadvantaged in the early and midgame against Protoss and Terran? Also not an issue.
Zerg with an advantage in the late game? THE GREATEST INJUSTICE THE SC2 COMMUNITY HAS EVER SEEN.


go watch pig’s new vid on balance patch, he pointed out your numbers is way off :slight_smile:
also, since we are not playing the same league, my issue is not yours
when you reach my rank, maybe I will take your “argument” more seriously

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