Co-Op Mutation #419: Fire in the Hole

This mining outpost is one of a kind, and we’re committed to making sure that those of you who love this outpost like we do have a home here for many years to come. With that in mind, we want to let you know about a development change we’re making for your situation as we continue supporting it for the long-term.

As many of you know, the KMC continues updating its colonies long after the initial release—some of you will remember that we were actively funding the original outpost more than 10 years after it first started operations. This year we celebrated 10 years of Jarban Minor with one of our largest-ever job, with massive updates to the office, new trucks for miners, and a wage increase for employees worldwide.

We’re going to continue supporting the mining outpost in the same manner as we have with our previous longstanding colonies, focusing on what our core and competitive investors care about most. What this means is that we’re not going to be producing additional defenses against missiles going after your buildings, but we will continue to monitor the infested attacking your ships moving forward. On that last note, we’re not planning to do anything about the exploding robots heading for your base. Jarban Minor, which is part of the highest echelon of professional mining, will also continue going strong as it has been through our friends, the Terran Dominion, and the Umojan Protectorate.

We know some of our miners have been looking forward to some of the things we’re moving away from, but the good news is this change will free us up to think about what’s next, not just with regard to Jarban Minor, but for the KMC as a whole.

Jarban Minor is core to KMC, and we’ve learned that it’s a colony that can change the lives of people who devote themselves to it, whether as a driller, driver, engineer, or mechanic. The outcome of each prospect is in your hands 100%. To become better, you have to look inward, be honest about any flaws, and dedicate yourself to improving. Jarban Minor teaches us that that process of improvement can be a reward in itself, and it’s certainly taught us a lot at KMC over the years.

You are one of the most passionate, creative, and dedicated colonies in all of Dominion Space. We’re eternally grateful for your ongoing support, and we’ll keep you updated on any and all plans we have for future voyages into the Koprulu Sector.

Missile Command - Endless missile bombardments target your structures and must be shot down throughout the mission.
Boom Bots - Uncaring automatons carry a nuclear payload toward your base. One player must discern the disarming sequence and the other player must enter it.


Video Replays on Brutal difficulty:

Player 1 Player 2
[CtG 33x40 Grease Monkey] Piky 33x40 Queen of Blades
[CtG 33x40 Evolution Master] Arcturus 33x40 Merchant of Death
[CtG 33x40 Herald of the Void] Ancalagon 33x40 Keeper of Shadows
[CtG 33x40 Infested Admiral] Terribleness 33x40 Shadow of Death

Boom Bot spawn timings:

Time Qty
2:28 1
3:58 1
5:28 1
6:58 1
8:28 1
9:58 1
11:28 1
12:58 2
14:08 2
15:18 2
16:28 2
17:38 2
18:48 2
19:38 2
20:28 2
21:18 2
22:08 2
22:58 2
23:48 2
24:38 2
25:28 2
26:18 2

[Reddit Post Link]

Other Notes:

  • Boom bots are untargetable units that walk toward the players, and detonate a nuke upon contact. They will survive the blast and keep walking until they are defused.
  • Each boom bot has a [4-digit code] that only one player can see. However, it is only the other player who can enter this code [through the command card or by using number keys] , to defuse the boom bot.
  • The boom bots are [visible from the minimap] , and spawn from enemy structures.
  • Boom bots aggro to your buildings. They “see” your initial buildings, so if you destroy your initial buildings and don’t let them see any more of your buildings, it will not move toward your base.
  • Missiles spawn at the very start, [from the edges of the map] . They slowly fly to the players’ bases.
  • Missiles [deal 100 damage] at first. However, the size increases, and eventually they launch nuke missiles toward players’ bases. Those ones come with a warning sound.
  • We can shoot down the missiles [10 HP], but sometimes they launch [Point Defense Drones] , so we need to shoot those down first. Also, we cannot stop them from spawning.

Vote here which 3 commanders you think are best for this weekly mutation:

Weekly Mutation Database
Maguro’s Mutation List


Mutation overlap 235 this week 2nd

1st clear Tychus P2+Mengsk P3

Mutation (Fire in the Hole) play list

A big hell nah to this mutation. While I don’t think is particularly the hardest mutation we’ve ever seen, missile command and boombots are two of my least favorite mutations in so far as fun goes.

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Is there a way to beat the bots if the other player leaves in the middle of the game?

This mutation needs alot of AA and heroes to brave the missiles and boom bots. Recommended commanders:

  • Tychus P2
  • HH P2
  • Karax P1
  • Stukov P3
  • Raynor P3
  • Zeratul P2
  • Alarak P3
  • Abathur P2
  • Nova P3
  • Stetmann P2

Is this week really that bad? Orbital Scans made Boom Bots negligible :grinning:

Last week was far worse – there was an astounding number of people who ignored the exclamation marks and the blinking red dots

I take it the description is a reference to Blizzard’s eulogy? It reminds me of “We want to say we’re sorry to those of you who didn’t have the mining experience you wanted …”

Sad times

For me its less about the difficulty and more about fun. Last week’s mutation I personally found loads of fun. However for some props plus voids is a living nightmare.

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I heard, “no”

yes, since i soloed this with 3 commanders so far (without cheese), inputting zero numbers. however, it’s not easy


#235 Fire in the Hole – 8/18 SOLO CLEAR so far

Mutators: Boom Bots, Missile Command


One person, two computers “solo”:

A regular missile command mutation with an extra objective: full clear as soon as possible. The boom bots are just annoying. Put observers or air units over cliffs to get vision of the numbers.

Beware of using static defense when defending the ships because those buildings can attract nukes (even cannon projections).

For duos: Swann and one of the three below

For solo queue: Tychus, Zeratul, Nova

Note: Solo runs are vastly different from duos, especially ones that use cheese


Stetmann (p1, p2, p3) [clearing is too slow, kinda sucks vs missile command when you can’t expo, hard to trap boom bots because of stetellites]

No cheese [and key points]

Nova (p3) [Nova snipes detectors, banshees right-click buildings]

Tychus (p2) [I full-cleared by 1130 in one attempt, but somehow messed it up. Average time is around 1300]

Zeratul (p2) [Zeratul snipes detectors, DTs right-click buildings]

Cheese [and key points]

Static buildings give amon vision when they attack, so units don’t enter bunkers

Alarak (p3) [i think this is doable without cheese]

Kerrigan (p1) [defend natural until nukes come; use overlords to drop creep because tumors are buildings]

Mengsk (p3) [must be careful when dropping bunkers]

Raynor (p1) [need enough marines at each base; 7000 resources before starting the final ship]

Stukov (p3) [liberators vs nukes; queens vs attack waves so they don’t get vision]

Questions about any of these runs are welcome. Runs will be uploaded throughout the week. All members get early access to videos.


The mutation is essentially just Miner Evacuation with Missile Command. If your opponent doesn’t know how Boom Bots works, you’ll die to the first one so it’s generally not an issue.

And yes, expect games where you die to the first Boom Bot if you play this enough in public queue.

P3 Kerrigan felt most comfortable in public queue since you can stall out the Boom Bots. Dehaka is pretty relaxing for clearing buildings since the Pack Leaders don’t get targeted by the Boom Bots.

A bit late to comment, but I found speed clearing all enemy buildings on this map trivialises it as no more boom bots spawn