Co-Op Mutation #359: Enhanced Defenses

The enemy has scouted your arrival, and has activated most of its primary defenses. Their forces have extra powered shields, their structures have activated photon blasters, and their nuclear arsenal is online. Deliver the trucks swiftly to destroy them.

Barrier - Enemy units gain a temporary shield upon the first time they take damage.
Going Nuclear - Nukes are launched at random throughout the map.
Photon Overload - All enemy structures attack nearby hostile units.


Video Replays on Brutal difficulty:

Player 1                                   Player 2
[CtG Rebel Raider] [Twotuuu Tactical Dispatcher]
[CtG Knowledge Seeker] [Baumanmarketing Keeper of Shadows]
[CtG Broodbrother] [Nostrebor Folly of Man]
[CtG Best Buddy] 제시카 Infiltration Specialist

[Reddit Post Link]


  • The warning spot for Going Nuclear is the large targeting area. However, you only have 5 Blizzard seconds of warning before the nuke hits.
  • The expansion is safe from nukes.
  • Barrier gives a 100 health shield to units that don’t get killed in 1 hit.
  • Photon Overload has 10 range and outputs a total of 240 damage each.

Commander of the Week: Commander of the week [Enhanced Defenses] - Online Poll -
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Okay, this mutation is like a walk in the park. So here are the choices:

  • Artanis P3
  • Karax P3
  • Kerrigan P2
  • Raynor P3
  • Vorazun P3
  • Zagara P2
  • Alarak P2/P3
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Sounds like another Stukov mission.

I agree with some except:
Artanis - You don’t have guardian shell to save you from Nukes you don’t dodge in time.
Raynor - I guess, but Battlecruisers are thicc and may be difficult when dodging multiple nukes and you need to burn tac jump or afterburners.
Vorazun - I think P1 would be better since it gives you a reset when you can’t dodge a nuke.
Zagara - I’d argue P1 is better coz you can’t get nuked if your swarm just suicides anyway.
Alarak - Again your protoss deathball is prime nuke bait but I guess mama ship tele would save you from time to time.

It’s not really any better at keeping you alive. Far better to have a lot more timed units from P3, recall without losing your revive ability, and completing quicker. Other than levelling, P1 is usually for those who don’t know how to play Vorazun properly.

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Oh yeah, those are Photon Overload and Barrier are 2 separate mutators, whereas Alarak’s top bar combines them into a single ability!

Huh… truly a Brutal+1. I botched my early game as Karax P3, but still managed to win nonetheless!

Mutation overlap 173 this week 2nd

1st clear Mengsk P3+Tychus P3

Mutation (Enhanced Defenses) play list