Co-Op Mutation #343: Hell Train

Alarak P3 works as well in this mutation, when pairing with Nova P1, they soften up Oracles, Phoenixes, Void Rays, and Tempests when encountering Siege of Storms. Thus the Mothership and her Destroyers would deal the final blow.

Alarak is good here, but mass destroyer often isnā€™t the best choice because it deals less damage and suffers against aoe spells of which the enemy will have twice as many. E.g. think what double fungal, parasitic bomb, storm, seeker missile, etc. does to them without even considering double scourge. If you do go mass destroyer be careful to use Alarak at the front with lots of supps so he can take out those nasty spellcasters and scourge with one or two destruction waves. F2A is really dangerous against some comps.

If Scourge attack and suicide do they respawn to attack again?

I lost 1 game vs Explosive Threats this week for this reason, respawning Vipers yoinking my buffed Wrathwalkers just wrecked me even though I was trying to Mind Blast them down. The kicker is the 1 second or so of Invulnerability that they get which is long enough for Psionic Orbs to pass them by.

Hmmā€¦ I assumed so but didnā€™t confirm. If I get some time Iā€™ll confirm.

I nearly lost to BCs with their four yamatoā€™s taking down my wrathwalkers. DPS to wipe out multiple lives of most units is rather easy with Alarak, but those spellcasters are really annoying. Sprite would probably find it easy, but Iā€™m only average with Alarak.

Main trick with BCs is to research the +25 Shield for Supplicants as then they become valid Yamato targets.

Second trick is to engage the attack waves out on the map and then kite them back to your base staying outside of their attack range (as WW+Havoc range boost is really good).

Third trick is to Mind Blast the BCs (mixed WW/Ascendant army as P1 but more WWs than usual as they are the sustained DPS).

None of this really works against Explsoive Threats though which is the comp that I lost to as all of the Viper abilities destroy Alarak. Possibly switching to Vanguards might have worked (with some Force Fields on ramps).

I did 1 more game of this mutation as Vorazun P3 with my teammate as Zaratul P1. Absolutely wrecked the AirToss comp with mass Void Rayā€™s and Zaratul Cannons, made it look like a joke. Wouldnā€™t have been so pretty against a comp that had some splash.

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Yes, all good points, though Iā€™d forgotten about the supplicants trick.

Agreed, thatā€™s a really horrid comp. I think the only commander who likes enemy vipers is Dehakaā€¦ yum yum.

I donā€™t think Alarak is someone that has issues with Explosive Threats (in fact, i consider him one of the best commanders to deal with it). Disabling Cloud doesnā€™t disable abilities that rely on cooldown alone, so cycling between Alarakā€™s Destruction Wave and Ascendantā€™s Sacrifice is enough to kill everything even if Vipers cover your entire army.

Trying to deal with that comp with P1 mass Robo or P3 mass Destroyer and suffering because of it is not an Alarak issue, but an issue of using a composition that is hard-countered by Explosive Threats.