Co-Op Mutation #272: Ulnar New Year

It’s a time for celebration, and Amon’s starting it all off with a bang. Not only does he intend to overload Ulnar, he has outfitted his own minions with explosives as well. Make use of the resources being gifted to you and put a stop to Amon’s plans.

Lucky Envelopes - Festive envelopes containing resource pickups are dropped at random throughout the map.
Fireworks - Enemies launch a dazzling fireworks display upon death, dealing damage to your nearby units.


Video Replays on Brutal difficulty:

Player 1                                   Player 2
[CtG Devouring One] [Punisher Best Buddy]
[CtG Merchant of Death] [Lila Renegade Commander]
[CtG Hierarch of the Daelaam] Aommaster Network Administrator
[CtG Chief Engineer] 콩지누 Technical Recruiter

[Reddit Post Link]


  • Fireworks target a spot with your units after an enemy unit dies. The more enemies, the more fireworks.
  • Fireworks deal area damage to units standing in a targeted circle after a few seconds.
  • Fireworks damages buildings as well.
  • Lucky envelopes is a flat out buff. Nothing about this makes the mission any more difficult.
  • The lucky envelopes give 50 minerals or gas to both allies when picked up.
  • This is for the LUNAR new year, of course. Imagine thinking the fireworks are for literally any other holiday.

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Gonna be easy with P3 Zagara. Tunnel in, take out the defenses, wait for ally. Rinse and repeat.

Fun mutation, don’t miss it.

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Certainly seems forgiving to grind with Prestiges, anyway. :3

#37 Ulnar New Year – 15/18

Mutators: Lucky Envelopes, Fireworks

Lucky Envelopes have no downsides. Just like for Slim Pickings, patrol workers to collect envelopes and get vision, while 1-2 idle workers collect the others. Your ground army can collect some as well.

Fireworks means Amon’s units have an ability similar to Mengsk’s p3 explosion ability. Units with high HP or high speed are very good. Hero units are especially good because it’s easy for them to dodge the fireworks while doing a lot of damage/clearing a lot of the map. Expendable units are okay as well. Alternatively, consider long range bombardment.

High HP: Anyone with a hero commander, Dehaka’s Tyrannozors

High speed: Swann’s wraiths, Artanis’s phoenixes, Karax’s mirages, Abathur’s and Kerrigan’s mutas

Expendable units: Mengsk p3, Abathur p1, Stukov p3, Fenix p2, Zagara

Long range bombardment: HH p3, Mengsk, Karax + observer (kind of), Swann + factory (kind of)

There was such a huge difference in difficulty between the failures and the easiest successes. Some commanders didn’t even need to mine (or spend any of the lucky envelope cash). Others… no matter how much I spent on units, they all kept dying with nothing to show for.

As for the failures, dodging fireworks requires precise unit control for these three commanders. I don’t have that skill. I tried many many times, but just couldn’t do it. And even though Alarak has a hero unit, he’s pretty brittle without supplicants, and his supplicants get screwed by the fireworks. Vorazun’s units have two lives, but fireworks make quick work of the second life.

Failures [and why I failed]

Raynor (p0, p1, p2, p3) [Kiting banshees didn’t work. Mass infantry got fried. Fat infantry got fried. BCs too slow to dodge fireworks. Vultures didn’t do enough damage to clear bases.]

Vorazun (p1, p3) [I got really close with p1 (got 4 locks) using zealot DA, but couldn’t handle late game.]

Alarak (p1, p2) [Wrathwalkers are just in range of fireworks and they get hit by splash. p2 with mass ascendants was pretty good, but needs really good unit control]

Successes [and key points]

Kerrigan (p0) #37: Ulnar New Year - Kerrigan Solo (p0) [Starcraft 2 Co-op Mutation] (Hero Only) - YouTube [Hero Only]

[No Mining] #37: Ulnar New Year - Kerrigan Solo (p0) [Starcraft 2 Co-op Mutation] - YouTube (no mining, no spending)

Artanis (p0) #37: Ulnar New Year - Artanis Solo (p0) [Starcraft 2 Co-op Mutation] - YouTube [zealot phoenix; focus on keeping phoenixes alive]

Swann (p1) #37: Ulnar New Year - Swann Solo (p1) [Starcraft 2 Co-op Mutation] - YouTube [mass wraith]

Zagara (p3) #37: Ulnar New Year - Zagara Solo (p3) [Starcraft 2 Co-op Mutation] - YouTube [Hero Only] edit: not hero only; just regular army with Zagara doing most of the work

Karax (p2) #37: Ulnar New Year - Karax Solo (p2) [Starcraft 2 Co-op Mutation] - YouTube [sentinel mirage; focus on keeping mirages alive]

Abathur (p1) #37: Ulnar New Year - Abathur Solo (p1) [Starcraft 2 Co-op Mutation] - YouTube [mass mutas]

Nova (p3) #37: Ulnar New Year - Nova Solo (p3) [Starcraft 2 Co-op Mutation] - YouTube [mostly hero only, units just for defending and getting bonus]

[No Mining] #37: Ulnar New Year - Nova Solo (p3) [Starcraft 2 Co-op Mutation] - YouTube (no mining, no spending)

Stukov (p3) #37: Ulnar New Year - Stukov Solo (p3) [Starcraft 2 Co-op Mutation] - YouTube [the usual]

Fenix (p2) #37: Ulnar New Year - Fenix Solo (p2) [Starcraft 2 Co-op Mutation] - YouTube [the usual]

Dehaka (p1) #37: Ulnar New Year - Dehaka Solo (p1) [Starcraft 2 Co-op Mutation] - YouTube [mass tyrannozors]

HH (p3) #37: Ulnar New Year - Han and Horner Solo (p3) [Starcraft 2 Co-op Mutation] - YouTube [30+ platforms]

Tychus (p2) #37: Ulnar New Year - Tychus Solo (p2) [Starcraft 2 Co-op Mutation] - YouTube [the usual]

#37: Ulnar New Year - Tychus Solo (p2) [Starcraft 2 Co-op Mutation] (Tychus Only) - YouTube [Tychus Only]

#37: Ulnar New Year - Tychus Solo (p2) [Starcraft 2 Co-op Mutation] (Sirius Only) - YouTube [Sirius Only]

Zeratul (p3) #37: Ulnar New Year - Zeratul Solo (p3) [Starcraft 2 Co-op Mutation] - YouTube [mass cannons]

[No Mining] #37: Ulnar New Year - Zeratul Solo (p3) [Starcraft 2 Co-op Mutation] - YouTube (no mining, no spending)

Stetmann (p1) #37: Ulnar New Year - Stetmann Solo (p1) [Starcraft 2 Co-op Mutation] - YouTube [blue to run away, green to heal up the splash dmg]

Mengsk (p3) #37: Ulnar New Year - Mengsk Solo (p3) [Starcraft 2 Co-op Mutation] - YouTube [bomb everything from the middle]

Easiest: Nova p3, Zagara p3, Stukov p3

Best against random AI: Zeratul, Stetmann

Proudest: the no mining runs (actually not as easy as it seems)

Questions about any of these runs are welcome.


36,106,144 … this week 4th…

this week 1st clear Swann P2+Nova P3

Mutation (Ulnar New Year) play list

Did it in Hard with Tychus P2.
I forgot fireworks were that deadly, got Sam killed once.
On one side, if the Outlaw is fighting on screen, it’s easy to dodge since he’s the only one that need to dodge (and Sirius redirect some attacks toward the turrets).
On the other side, with a swarmy comp (damn zerglings), Outlaws you don’t look at can take tremendous damage, if not die.

My ally was a Kerrigan level 1, so I tried to spare a Nikara, but the damn unit just won’t follow around properly, that system is so outrageously bugged :slightly_frowning_face:
But he seemed to know what he was doing at least (though getting Kerrigan killed or sleeping at base a few times), so it didn’t go that wrong.

done with dehaka p2, zagara p3, nova p3, and mengsk p3 so far, pretty fun games.

@TwoTuuu, well done getting so many done. :+1:

Enough OC on P0 so you can afford to lose lots? Though Raynor does sound like one of the harder ones to solo here. I don’t think I’d have the APM for all the firework dodging while macroing.

I watched Lila’s vid above and he went fast 6 OC, 7 rax, mines for waves, and a 15 min finish with CtG. Even with stutter-stepping he still lost a lot of bio.

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Got it on the second try as Nova P3. The first try we somehow broke the mission. The enemy Protoss comp sent massive attack waves continuously over and over, at one point we had 4 attack waves on the map at once. This was before the 16 minute mark. It was if the enemy bases were cranking out units along with the normal attack waves. My ally was not Vorazun.

Second try went much better, and we got the bonus. Stukov P3 ally.

Pretty easy. Nova P3 and Tychus P0.

Sounds hilarious. Would love to see a replay of that.

I do not know how to share replays on the forum. And you would probably end up cringing at my bad gameplay anyway as I am sure someone more pro could have handled the mess we got into.

No point recommending a CO for this one. Just pick someone you’re leveling prestiges for to get that extra bounty XP.

This is one where if someone wanted to grind out the mutation wins.

Om nom nom that delicious XP gain for my Stetmann grind. :3 Question, do you still continue to gain a pronounced amount of it with continued playthroughs, or is it no longer different than doing the base mission?

The big bounty XP bonus is a once a week thing. After that first playthrough, it’s same as a regular mission for the chosen difficulty.

But playing an easy mutation over and over can help farm the 150 mutation wins achievement.


The Lucky Envelop mutator is what did it for me. The icon even looks like them red envelops they give out to children!

I’ll do some achievements so long as I have the time, and they’re not too difficult (so I’m probably going to let most of them go), but with a “B-” one like this, I can see myself playing this 5 to 10 times, at least. Bonus is L&L is a shorter mission.

Did it with P2 Vora. Nice to finally get some done on her. Level 4 to Level 8 afterwards. Went mass corsair. But really have to babysit them because of fireworks.

Had good Horde Stukov ally using tanks well. Took a while to get the bonus, corsairs don’t do much damage on P2. P2 seems like it’s weak until you get to mastery. I think it will be fun then once I grind to it.

I’d be interested in seeing a replay of that one. Level 4 P2 Vorazun definitely isn’t obvious for this and there’s so little interest in trying to make her P2 work that I haven’t seen (or played) much.